
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Reimbursement-procedure
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government
Investment And Reimbursement: Procedure: Amendment: One(1):
The-original: Reimbursement: Procedure authorized the two-phase: disbursement of thirty-six (36)-ounces of gold to forty (40)-million declared-moors registered as Nationals of any independent-sovereign-nation of Moors.
This amendment to the Reimbursement: Procedure authorizes the two-phase: disbursement availability to be increased from forty (40)-million declared-moors to fifty (50)-million declared-moors registered as Nationals of any independent-sovereign-nation of Moors.

Ancient-Moor-Empire, Reconstituted, Reestablished, And Re-Emerged As The Amexem-Moor-Empire
We did and do this work correctly, thus we have a someone as the Physical Manifestation Of The Sovereign Power = Organic-Head of a specific: Organic-Nation. A someone not an it. A someone that confers the specific: Nationality for the all of the Living-Souls comprising the specific: Organic-Nation with the various-countries = comprising of the Dominions Of The Realm Of The Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch . A someone that confers the Titles-Of-Nobility. By the technical-definition, that, is, Organic-Government for the Organic-Nation = Living-Souls. That is the exact opposite of franchisee management for franchisees/disenfranchised voters/body politic/people/juristics/legal-fictions allegedly subsidiary to a legal-fiction dba a democracy/republic/state/STATE/nation state/NATION STATE/franchisee-management-operation.

Moors/Aboriginals/Asiatics, Always-Had And Have: Emperors/Empresses And Sultans: NOT “PRESIDENTS/PRIME-MINISTERS”
Moors ALWAYS had and have Empires and Sultanates NOT "republics".
The idiotic joke referred to as "elections" have ALWAYS BEEN and shall ALWAYS BE the biggest lie/fraud/scam ever. The international banksters have worked very hard to get rid of ALL monarchies so they could take control of the money of a population and dominate that population as they socially engineer that population not to resist being the economic slaves of the international banksters.

An-Ounce-Of-Truth: Is-Better-Than-A-Pound-Of-Pain
There NEVER was a "republic".
There NEVER was an end to the "revolutionary war" There is a ceasefire. There NEVER was a peace treaty.
There NEVER was a de jure nor a defacto “Constitution” in the North-Gate/North-Amexem. There was the construction of a writ of mixed war with a manifesto attached to it. The articles and amendments unto that writ of mixed war do NOTHING to change the fact that the document is still a writ of mixed war and NOT a Constitution.

Empower-Yourself/Starve The Hostiles...Amexem-Moor-Empire: Business-Formation, Starts-Here (Initial-Forms-Needed)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Grand-Ambassador = maintainers of the psycho-socio-economic: infrastructure = of, by, and for the Aboriginals/Moors/Et.Al for the independent-commerce and trade of the predicating upon the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Monetary-Policy = substance-based.
Parties seeking to establish a business-organization = for-profit/not-for-profit, shall and must request a search of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Archives: General-Records-Division: records, to see if the business-organization-name, they seek to use is already in use. This is the primary-part of the process = Name-Authorization. Name-Authorization: Fee= 3: ounces of the silver in the bar/coin-form (Bamako/[Troy]-ounce).

No-One: Is-Coming-To-Save-You: From The Colonizers And Their-Melanated-Puppets. Come-With-Us: To-Save-Us-All (Including-You) And All-Of: Our-Posterity/Generations
So programmed and indoctrinated by the colonizing hostiles and their puppets among our kith and kindred...those traitors that sold and sell you/us out, especially the “conscious community” socialites, fez wearers, etc., that we are forced to quarantine 99.9999% of our kith and kindred, including our own flesh and blood immediate siblings and cousins with whom we are closest. You have no idea how much this hurts. We (entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls) are 180 degrees diametrically opposed to 99.9999% of what our kith and kindred think, act, and speak 99.9999% of the time. You have no idea how painful this is.
On our watch... Moors are Moors again.