Ancient-Moor-Empire, Reconstituted, Reestablished, And Re-Emerged As The Amexem-Moor-Empire

Date: RightDay: 26: Suhur-Mash: 301,625

We did and do this work correctly, thus we have a someone as the Physical Manifestation Of The Sovereign Power = Organic-Head of a specific: Organic-Nation. A someone not an it. A someone that confers the specific: Nationality for the all of the Living-Souls comprising the specific: Organic-Nation with the various-countries = comprising of the Dominions Of The Realm Of The Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch . A someone that confers the Titles-Of-Nobility. By the technical-definition, that, is, Organic-Government for the Organic-Nation = Living-Souls. That is the exact opposite of franchisee management for franchisees/disenfranchised voters/body politic/people/juristics/legal-fictions allegedly subsidiary to a legal-fiction dba a democracy/republic/state/STATE/nation state/NATION STATE/franchisee-management-operation.

Monarchy = Absolute-Power. We don't agree with that governance.

Constitutional-Monarchy: Operative = Diffused-Governing-Authority within the rigors of the Law-Form (Terms/Specifications therein the Constitution). We (Entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls) agree, with-that-governance = We-have and maintain-our: Constitutional-Monarchy via the Law-Form, we-chose through the ratifying of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution by the Interim: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Council (Original: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Council-Members, were-Interim, until the ratifying. Then, they-were: Actual: Imperial-Council-Members). Operative: Constitutional-Monarchy: Law-Form has the Regal-Powers = A Dominion = A Realm with a Sitting/Reigning: Sovereign-Lord (Sovereign-Head) = Physical-Manifestation Of The Sovereign-Power of the Organic-Nation (National-Collection-Of-Souls) = Real-Power And Authority as the Organic-Ruler making-law within the rigors of the respective: Constitution (In-our-case, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution: Article: 2: Section: 1: Clauses: 1, 2, and 3... Some of you may laugh but you did not do your math...21123 = Completion: 9/9 bricks in the foundation of the Khmer/"pyramid" at the base of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Flag. Power of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Council for the keeping of the Constitutional-Monarch: leadership-in-check = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution: Article: 2: Section: 1: Clause: 4. Before you laugh, DO YOUR MATH...214 = Perfection: 7/7: Layers/Levels of the bricks of the Khmer/"pyramid" at the base of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Flag). To-make-sure: we-keep-our: Constitutional-Monarch, in-line, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution: Article: 6: Section: 2: Clause: 1 places the budget-making-authority in the jurisdictional-powers of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Council-Vote: upon-any: budget-proposal: before-them, which the same: Article, makes-mandatory for the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch: to-present before the Imperial-Council for the voting-upon).

So the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government provides the 9: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sector-Governments across the entire: planet. Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sector-Governments provide the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Regional-Governments providing the Amexem-Moor-Empire: District-Governments providing the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Local-Governments.

Ceremonial: Constitutional-Monarchy: Speculative = Powerless-Figure-Head with a legal-form: instead-of a Law-Form. Generally, they have no power to make law and in most cases they are legally barred from dong so, being termed as the titular: Head-Of-State (A devolvement from a Sovereign-Lord controlling the Regal-Powers). They have a Prime-Minister who is the real power and authority running the corporate-state. And they are not the real power either. They get their orders from the bankers that get their orders from the international banksters that follow the orders they get from the masonic lodge. That is franchisee management for a franchise owned by a franchisor be they known or hidden. Usually the franchisor is hidden. The Prime-Minister gets their cut for keeping the franchisees/economic slaves of the franchisor in line so they stay silent to keep their pockets full and not get killed by their master for waking up the suckers/slaves/”citizens”/franchisees.

Either you have a Realm from the soil or you have a mere idea in the form of a legal-fiction = "State/Nation-State". Physical-Manifestation/Carbon-life-form of the making-out of the soil of the earth existing and functioning as the Physical-Manifestation Of The Sovereign-Power/Organic-Head Of The Organic-Nation, A soul, clothed-in-flesh with the cogent, cognitive, and lucid: abilities for the thinking, acting, speaking = governing, conveying of the Nationality, conveying of the Titles-Of-Nobility,, or a mere: legal-fiction: in-contemplation (Unless-bankrupt = civilly-dead, thus-no-longer in-contemplation = NOTHING-TO-CONTEMPLATE-ANYMORE...if there ever was).

Realm or legal-fiction, you have to choose or on the high-seas of the discourse or international-discourse, the choice shall be made for you upon you being taken as prize or as booty.

Because of the take over of their central banks...In the modern-era, every: Monarch and Constitutional-Monarch, except the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch = Powerless: Ceremonial-Figure-Heads. There are a few hybrids such as the Sultan-Of-Brunei (Absolute-Power: Monarch), and Mamlaka-Al-Saud (Absolute-Power: Monarch). Both of them and other hybrids have the limited/restrained: power and authority: by-an: outside-force (They both and the other hybrids have subjugated/encumbered/entangled: central-banks. Whoever controls the money of a Nation controls the power and authority of the Nation making them virtual: Ceremonial-Figure-Heads: by-default).

In the modern era, like the regular straight up suckered/fake... alleged "republics", alleged "democracies" all of the Ceremonial: Figure-Heads/Speculative: Constitutional-Monarchs are either encumbered/entangled/subjugated unto the COMMONWEALTH in the Londinium (Elizabeth: II's: puppets, which is funny because she is held captive too/Subjugated unto the Bauers AKA Rothchilds/Redshields, too as they own her central bank and have a prime minister in her place) or the PARIS-CLUB (Also subjugated by the Bauers) whereupon the Francs and Gauls use their CFA (XAF, XOF, XOP, and even the CDF) to control their colonies by default (To be a member of the COMMONWEALTH or the PARIS-CLUB means they took subject of the crown of England off the passport or fake released you from the overt grip by Paris however in sneak reality yawl are STILL THEIR SUBJECTS/SLAVES and they use the sell outs in your local area to control you. Yawl think yawl have “votes” . Yawl think yawl have "elections" and that yawl are in control yet your alleged leaders don't make a move without the say so of Londinium or Paris = the proof of this ugly truth that you are not in control. YOU ARE BEING CONTROLLED AS DEFAULT SLAVES. Test that "theory" and their militaries or surrogates "intervene"/send in their military/cause or initiate a coup and replace those that defy them like Patrice Lumumba, Thomas Sankara, and way too many to list in our areas all across the planet. And then there is COINTELPRO of course).

What is in our hands allows for us to achieve all across the planet where we are. NOTHING AND NO ONE STOPS OUR PROGRESS. Think of our work as “ECOWAS” or “SADC” or “CARICOM” or “NAFTA” on a much larger scale and far better managed with greater inclusion and transparency:

Retired basketball star Michael Jordan could fund our budget for this year and next year (1.3 Billion combined) and his stacks wouldn't even notice. He was worth 8 billion last year and it has grown since then. He is not the only one. There are many billionaires among us now and they too could step up and help us bring about a better future for us all and all of our posterity. Pay it forward. We made their success. It is their turn to make all of ours.

Responsibly, we have and are working a fair and equitable plan that has a budget for bringing about success that requires 51,200,000 out of 1.4 billion of us to provide "10.00 usd" each to fully fund the work being done which includes our already operational global common market. Fully funding this budget and the subsequent budgets is how the colonizers and the neo-colonizer/"Chinese" hegemony gets shut down and levels the playing field of commerce and trade for us all.

So what are YOU going to do about this? Are you going to train and participate with us or continue to complain while doing nothing about what you constantly complain about? Time shall surely reveal the choice you make either way.

Our: current budget expires in the Spring. There is a budget proposal now being constructed for the presentation for the negotiation = for the replacement the current budget this Spring. Our: current budget requires 78,400,000 of us melanated/Aboriginals/Asiatics/Moors/Whatever out of the 1.8: billion of us to put up "10.00 usd" each to fully fund it.

Our work has no outside interference at all. It relies solely on ALL of us men and women that are rich in melanin/Aboriginals whether you speak Creole/Patoi, Algonguin, Souian, Inuit, Kiswahili, Wolof, Amharic, Sango, Serer, Akan, Northern Sotho, Losoga, Luganda, Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa, Mende, Xhosa, Zulu, Arabic, English, French, Spanish, whatever. We don't care as the only thing that matters is your participation in our collective work.

Instead of going to the colonizers to do business. Instead of following the obvious lies and illusions of their puppets they hand selected from among us...Establish your business with us/your own paying business taxes among us to fund the maintenance, expansion, and continuous-improvement of our psycho-socio-economic: infrastructure existing and functioning through our own independent monetary policy (Give them colonizers back their "CFA"/"EURO"/"YUAN"/"RUPEE"/"DOLLARS") that is the foundation for our independent: industry, commerce, and trade... ON OUR OWN TERMS. Do this now and fund our budgets which funds all of this (Our infrastructure and our global common market both of which are and shall ALWAYS remain independent of the colonizers and their puppets).

Our work prohibits ANY AND ALL outside influence no matter the source. No religious input at all. NONE. No bankers. No international bankers. No masonic or shriner involvement shall be tolerated in any aspect of the planning, budgeting, or implementing of our work. And absolutely no tribe or other artificial barriers shall be tolerated at all. NONE!!! Get this in your heads right now. Regarding this work we are 1 tribe only. For this plan we are 1 team.

This work. This process. You/We own it. We rise or we fall TOGETHER. Our success or failure WE ALL OWN IT.

You allege/You say you seek freedom and a better life for yourself and your future generations? Here is your opportunity to PROVE IT!!!

No social media likes or feel good comments. PROVE IT/SHOW UP CONSISTENTLY/FUND THE WORK CONSISTENTLY and get others to do the same. Email to get started.

No plan ever survives as is when actually being worked thus the leadership not only has and devises a plan, they have and devise several back up plans and adjust as required to complete the goals and objectives that maintain our trajectory towards our collective-success.

Email us at or go to the additional-information page to receive a copy of the current: Fiscal-Budget plus the budget-proposal, or, email a request for the instructions to make contributions to fund the work being done right now for all of you/us and all of our-posterity/future generations.

Amexem-Moor-Empire: ABADA!!!

Amexem-Moor-Empire: LAI LAI!!!

Amexem-Moor-Empire: KWESIR!!!

Amexem-Moor-Empire: FOREVER!!!

Amexem-Moor-Empire: PARA SIEMPRE!!!

Empire Maire Amexem: POUR TOUJOURS!!!



For all of the heterosexual-melanated/Aboriginals/Asciatics/Moors/Whatever, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government provides the viable-options, choices, and solutions for the greater-good.


You in or out?[0]=AZUerK0xBloLI_RsEtkRC4JEmQnHU814ed39H-2Gq2l0EhdaUFhSVR9nbqMSQxqS0vX3jVclEQxrPnwM9aVky3-MbocGCdQlzcdt0VhFLturuAHpp7ztZOtLIVpwFqvtuuGERAr44EunqWoVePF2k2mumrpAn01KSxP3pKboHHdPn30mppZA29r0WcMS4EVfB6c&__tn__=*OH-y-R


aKHENATEN-TRADING: ALKEBU-LAN’S: Product-Line On The Way Unto The MOORMART: ALKEBU-LAN: Store-Location: 1


Moors/Aboriginals/Asiatics, Always-Had And Have: Emperors/Empresses And Sultans: NOT “PRESIDENTS/PRIME-MINISTERS”