An-Ounce-Of-Truth: Is-Better-Than-A-Pound-Of-Pain
Date: EqualityDay: 17: Suhar-Mash: 301,625
There NEVER was a "republic".
There NEVER was an end to the "revolutionary war" There is a ceasefire. There NEVER was a peace treaty.
There NEVER was a de jure nor a defacto “Constitution” in the North-Gate/North-Amexem. There was the construction of a writ of mixed war with a manifesto attached to it. The articles and amendments unto that writ of mixed war do NOTHING to change the fact that the document is still a writ of mixed war and NOT a Constitution.
George: III made a deal with Mohammed: III that resulted in George: III reclassifying his subjects conducting business via his chartered franchises aka George: III emancipated his subjects as franchisees (Converted his colonist subjects into franchisees...STILL SUBJECTS just under a different classification/designation/name. Same exact cereal in a different box) participating in his franchises as franchisees, with George: III as the franchisor. George: III loaned those franchisees that were paying George Whoever’s (It wasn't Washitaw aka "Washington") salary to fight George: III's army, 19 million livre in 21 separate loans WHILE THEY WERE ALLEGEDLY STILL FIGHTING George: III’s army and navy).
The franchisees had no money. They had to repay George: III, AND, continue to make tribute payments to Mohammed: III. It got to be too much so George Whoever wrote a letter to his masonic brother and “magnanimous friend” Mohammed: III apologizing, and when his successors couldn’t pay, George: III burned their WHITE HOUSE to the ground in the war of "1812". They have been paying on time ever since
Alright... Once again. relevant unto standing.
No standing. No status due to a lack of first character ability to even discuss status let alone have one/ have status. Sadly, this is the condition of 99.9999% of our kith and kindred ESPECIALLY those referring unto themselves as Moors or " moorish". standing... no first character ability. No first character ability... no ability to contract, be contracted, or contract on behalf of a third party. So say good by to due process that the rem and res screwed DON'T HAVE because they have no status as a result of having no standing.
For those that choose, for the Greater-Amexem (North, Central, and South-Amexem), Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution (NOT a writ of mixed war) is the Supreme-Law for the Greater-Amexem, Atlantis and Atlantis-Islands, Alkebu-lan: And Ab.Zu, Harappa, Cush-Harappassi, as well as the Kumari-Kandam.
Again... Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution = Supreme-Law for the lands and all-of: their: Aboriginal: free-inhabitants = voluntarily-amalgamating, existing, and functioning in the good-standing before the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Admissions, as, an: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National, or: before the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Imperial-Affairs, as, an: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Interest in the Dominions Of The Realm of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy = Greater-Amexem, Atlantis, Atlantis-Islands, Alkebu-lan: And Ab.Zu, Harappa, Cush-Harappassi, as well as the Kumari-Kandam.
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution: Articles: 3 and 4 = relevant unto the law-form and free-enterprise (Those would be the parts where contract and due-process, come in).
If you are not trained...
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution, goes way over your head.
6 months of our training later, go back and read the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution, again, and it hit way different.
No "Arabic" speakers had nor have an " admiralty".
They (“Arabic” speakers) didn’t and don't have an admiralty. Liz: II does and all bar card carriers across the planet are all registered in Londinium and are her subjects with the title she conveys upon Esquires.
So she (Liz: II) controls her global franchisees including those supervised for her from Paris through the PARIS CLUB (ALL of the supposedly former colonies of 'France'. Yes. Through the bar card carriers in the 'REPUBLIC OF FRANCE', Liz: II is the master there too. Don't act all shocked. Liz: II has as much Norman blood as she does Deutsch) through gold fringe laden military tribunals all across the planet in secret with the owners of her “central bank” (That is the Bauers aka Rothchilds aka Redshields...Owners of Liz: II’s bank. She wants it back but can’t afford it) and to honor her fealty and homage agreement with the Vatican (Yes. She pledges ALL of her subjects unto the Vatican. Yes. Pledge as in the definition in a law dictionary).
Yes. VERY DANGEROUS unless you rebut ALL PRESUMPTIONS because until you do, you are presumed to be her subject thus the intellectual property of the Vatican. For all of you fez wearing and feather headdress wearing aboriginals that she also owns as per 99.9999% of you volunteering to be her franchisees (What yawl insist on contracting into has severe consequence despite your ignorance of the existence of the plethora of contracts/implied-contracts yawl entered and enter)... that rem and res detrimental decision of yours hit different aka harder and more painful because the Vatican maintains their papal bull for their 'Doctrine Of Discovery' in full effect. Bet those Dred Scott and Amistad “cases” got your minds racing now, right? Sadly... probably not).
So... all of my fellow: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals, as-trained by the Emperor... say it with me...
Presumptions in law are fatal, every time.
The end. Class dismissed.
In the photo = Bey Of The Greater-Amexem wit9h the including of the Atlantis and Atlantis-Islands, Bey Of The Alkebu-lan And Ab. Zu, Bey Of The Harappa-Indus with the including of the Dwaraka And Cusharappasi, and Bey Of The Kumari-Kandam as the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sovereign-Head, Possessor Of The Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Sovereign-Crown and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Scepter, as the Author, Organic-Holder-in-due-course, as the Organic-Holder-in-good-faith, primary-enforcer, and protector of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution, as the Organic-Controller Of The Regal-Powers Of The Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy: Justitia -Firmatur-Solium, as the Physical-Manifestation Of The Sovereign-Power Of The Amexem-Moor-Empire as the Sitting/Reigning: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch, His-Imperial-Majesty: Maad (Serer ), Bur-Fari (Wolof), Togbia/Komo-Nkonzi (Sango), Grand-Hene For The Mu-Akhan-Sultanate, Grand-Sultan For The Nesutat: Al-Mandiya-Zaria: Wa-Shabazz: Sultanate, And Emperor: An-Anu-El: Bey in the service of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls and our-posterity.
We don't do the "politics" thing nor the "political party" thing. We are not having any of that too many cooks in the kitchen nonsense, as in NEVER EVER. The more we watch the dog and pony show parliaments, houses, senates, prime ministers, presidents, and other easily controlled and unaccountable clowns, liars, puppets, pirates, and parasites aka “politicians” ... the more we give thanks for our: Constitutional-Monarchy.
You better wake up and learn the difference...As in right now!!! In the link-below is the second-part-of: this-post:
Once you know…now that you know. There is no going back as you are now responsible and accountable for what you know AND what you do with what you know.
Our: Local-Governments report unto the District-Governments, which-report unto the Regional-Governments, which-report unto the Sector-Governments, which-report unto the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government, which: plans, budgets, operates, maintains, improves, expands, and further-maintains of the all of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: psycho-socio-economic: infrastructure = within the rigors of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution = for the peaceful and peaceable: existence and functionality with the fair and equitable-access unto the resources and markets = collectively: on-our: own-terms.
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch: Bur-Fari/Emperor: An-Anu-El: Bey in the Official-Capacity as the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Force: Supreme-Commander = with the high and tight-haircut plus the clean-shave as the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Flag flies in the background
"The colonizing hostiles and their descendants destabilization and depopulation plans only work when those they are targeting enable those plans. So what they allow and enable (Pay for), shall continue. Those looking for a way out of that nonsense must meet our requirements or keep it moving because we focus on our work, not their agendas. Those that don't pull their weight with us, we cut loose quickly, without hesitation, without question, and without remorse" - - - Emperor: An-Anu-El: Bey
Some of you love being cowards and punks. You love selling yourself and your offspring for a few trinkets and crumbs. You think the crumbs taste better in the big house than in the field. Some of yawl are "whussamatter massa we sick? "braindead and traitorous coons.
So much is broken. So much to fix.
Our men across the planet have not thought things through enough to work a plan and several back up plans to do as the "chinese" have done and the "japanese" did after 2 nukes got dropped on them...overcome all odds, lynchings, coups, and , persevere until we get our due or perish death is better than the cruelty and persecution every time we walk out of the front door.
So, our: Constitutional-Monarch, has forced us to man up, put our man pants on, get it together, take back control of our familyhoods, all of our global-territory, go get our women and offspring, and get our collective household and private households, inline and in order.
We're not asking yawl, we are telling yawl. Eventually, all of yawl shall fall in line as you have no choice. As the colonizer's grip chokes you out, you'll come around to this reality.
Your resistance is futile.
Upon entering our ranks, a man has 45: earthdays, to acquire a red fez with a 12 inch tassel.
He has up to 60: earthdays to acquire his formal attire (AMEXEMWEAR) in the formal color (Carbon/"black"). If assigned as an: Imperial-Merchant-Moorine, Fire-Suppression-Agent, Field-Medical-Tech, Anti-Fire-Marshal, Imperial-Special-Services-Agency: Mareschal ("Marshal"), or... Imperial-Customs-Force, a man has to acquire that uniform first within the 60: earthdays. They get another 60: earthdays to acquire their formal attire.
He has up to 1: earthyear to establish a business within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Jurisdiction And Venue, or buy a stake in an existing business within the Amexem-Moor-Empire. He has 3: earthyears to make that business profitable.
Noncompliance with any one of these requirements and that man gets the bannum-realm-regis (Kicked out/Removed from the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Admissions: Official-Records. Imperial-Customs-Force enforces the order, makes sure the party goes in peace. If not, ICF puts them down permanently). Not a joke. We have watched as the leadership has removed 41 of our men and 16: wombmen in the last 4: earthyears, for not meeting our standards.
You shall read all of the 147 books that are mandatory reading for all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals, especially our men.
You shall train when scheduled.
You shall report for your training and volunteer time duty when scheduled (If you are active MSTA, NOI, Ysraelite, or Sunni, training and duty schedules are made around your faith/prayer/dua/regular service meeting schedule. So there are no conflicts).
You shall be unimpaired (Not high and not drunk) at all times. We test and random test. We throw you out on the 1st infraction. No exceptions.
All of our wombmen = 20: earthyears or more, every earthyear, shall and must pick a line item out of the current: Fiscal-Budget-Law, fundraise, and help fund some of or all of the line item they pick so we may acquire and deploy the item they select = in the service of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls and all-of: our-posterity.
Our rules include mandatory training. Everyone starts at the beginning. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! That includes you too.
Men...You come among us, you establish a business or buy a stake in an existing one within 12: months of you coming aboard, or you’re gone. Out of here.
Business-Formation and business-taxes in the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Jurisdiction And Venue... In short, a 20%: Flat-Tax, without a V.A.T./Value-Added-Tax and no "graduated-income-tax" upon the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals (Very-advantageous).
Foreign-venues hostile unto the Moors-in-general have a much higher tax rate AND a graduated income tax too. And those collected taxes fund the persecution, oppression, police brutality, and wanton murder of our kith and kindred/Moors-in-general, too.
So once more for the record...STARVE THE HOSTILES through empowering yourself/your own via the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Independent: Industry, Commerce And Trade comprising the global-common-market: therein-our: psycho-socio-economic: infrastructure of the undergirding by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government: Imperial-Monetary-Policy (Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution: Article: 6: Section: 1: Clauses: 1, 2, and 3)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution: Article: 6: Section:2: Clauses: 3, 4, 5, and 6
3. By the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution compelling of the paying of the one-percent (1%): tax in the ninety-nine: point-nine: percent (99.9%)-pure: fine-Platinum, Gold, Silver in the bar/coin on the licensing-royalty of the collecting by the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals and ten-percent(10%): tax for the businesses existing and functioning with the patent-product duly-existing and functioning with the Amexem-Moor-Empire: sovereign-patent under the protection of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Copyright And Patent.
4. By the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution compelling of the paying of the one-percent (1%): tax in the ninety-nine: point-nine: percent (99.9%)-pure: fine-Platinum, Gold, Silver in the bar/coin on the licensing-royalty of the collecting by the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals and ten-percent (10%): tax for the businesses existing and functioning with the copyright/trademark-product: duly-existing and functioning with the Amexem-Moor-Empire: sovereign-copyright/trademark under the protection of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Copyright And Patent.
5. By the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution requiring of the majority-ownership and control of the all of the businesses existing and functioning within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: dominions/jurisdiction = territory (lands, waters, airspace) by an-Amexem-Moor-Empire: National (s) with the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution prohibiting of the monopoly in a business-field/field of the endeavor by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: National (s) against the other-Amexem-Moor-Empire: National (s) in the same-field.
6. By the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution requiring of the paying of the one-hundred-twenty (120)-ounces of the lawful-Silver of the stating-herein for the annual-operating-tax and twenty-percent (20%) of the net-amount of the accumulating-lawful-money on the thirty (30)-day-cycle(With the exception of non-profit-organizations) by the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Archives: General-Records: Division: registered-for-profit: businesses (Non-profit-organizations: annual-operation: registration-fee = sixty (60)-ounces of the lawful-Silver of the stating-herein).
In the Central-Amexem, what is the plan to shut down the violence from the cartels and gangs against the innocent and transform the barrios for the greater good of everyone there?
En el Amexem Centro y Sur, ¿cuál es el plan para acabar con la violencia de los cárteles y las pandillas contra los inocentes y transformar los barrios para el bien de todos allí?
It is our hope that our family there has a nonviolent plan to end the stranglehold of the cartel and gang violence. We welcome any of our brothers and sisters in the Central-Amexem sharing each and every plan with: His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Government, forthwith.
Esperamos que nuestra familia allí tenga un plan no violento para acabar con el dominio del cartel y la violencia de las pandillas. Damos la bienvenida a cualquiera de nuestros hermanos y hermanas en el Amexem Centro y Sur compartiendo todos y cada uno de los planes con: Su-Majestad-Imperial: Gobierno-Imperial, inmediatamente.
If there is no plan from our family in the Central-Amexem, we have a plan and a budget to implement the plan, from the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government.
Si no hay un plan de nuestra familia en el Amexem Centro y Sur, tenemos un plan y un presupuesto para implementar el plan, de Amexem-Imperio-Moro: Gobierno-Imperial.
In the Rey-Bahia, what is the plan to shut down the financial marginalization, violence from the cartels and gangs against the innocent and transform the favelas into a livable environment for the greater good of everyone there?
Na Rey-Bahia, qual é o plano para acabar com a marginalização financeira, a violência dos cartéis e gangues contra os inocentes e transformar as favelas em um ambiente habitável para o bem de todos ali?
It is our hope that our family there has a nonviolent plan to end the stranglehold of the cartel and gang violence. We welcome any of our brothers and sisters in the Rey-Bahia sharing each and every plan with: His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Government, forthwith.
É nossa esperança que nossa família tenha um plano não violento para acabar com o domínio do cartel e a violência das gangues. Damos as boas-vindas a todos os nossos irmãos e irmãs na Rey-Bahia compartilhando cada plano com: Sua-Imperial-Majestade: Imperial-Governo, imediatamente.
If there is no plan from our family in the Rey-Bahia, we have a plan and a budget to implement the plan, from the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government.
Se não há plano da nossa família na Rey-Bahia, temos um plano e um orçamento para concretizar o plano, do Aexem-Mouro-Império: Império-Governo.
In the Cush-Harappa, the remnants of the colonial rule from the Londinium in the form of the caste system and the consequence in the form of the financial-marginalization of our family, the dark complected comprising the bulk of the population of the Cush-Harappa… by superior force of arms and unfounded disdain for our brothers and sister referred to as “darkies” and “dalits”.
कुश-हरप्पा में, जाति व्यवस्था के रूप में लोन्डिनियम से औपनिवेशिक शासन के अवशेष और परिणाम के रूप में हमरऽ परिवार के आर्थिक-हाशियापन के रूप में, अन्हार complected में कुश- के आबादी के थोक के समावेश हरप्पा... हथियार के श्रेष्ठ बल आ अपन भाई-बहिन के प्रति निराधार तिरस्कार स जेकरा “डार्की” आ “दलित” कहल जाइत अछि |
It is our hope that our family there has a nonviolent plan to end the stranglehold of the caste system along with its crippling financial marginalization, imposed by the superior force of arms and utter disdain from the caste imposers and their enforcers. We welcome any of our brothers and sisters in the Cush-Harappa sharing each and every plan with: His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Government, forthwith.
हमरऽ आशा छै कि वहाँ के हमरऽ परिवार के पास जाति व्यवस्था केरऽ गला घोंटना के साथ-साथ ओकरऽ अपंग आर्थिक हाशिया पर छोड़ै के अहिंसक योजना छै, जे हथियार के श्रेष्ठ बल आरू जाति थोपै वाला आरू ओकरऽ प्रवर्तकऽ के सरासर तिरस्कार स॑ थोपलऽ छै । हम कुश-हरप्पा में अपन कोनो भाई-बहिन के स्वागत करैत छी जे एक-एकटा योजना के साझा करैत छी: महामहिम-शाही-महामहिम: शाही-सरकार, तुरंत.
If there is no plan from our family in the Cush-Harappa, we have a plan and a budget to implement the plan, from the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government.
जं कुश-हरप्पा में हमरा लोकनिक परिवार सं कोनो योजना नहिं अछि तं योजना कें लागू करबाक योजना आ बजट हमरा लोकनिक अछि, अमेक्सेम-मूर-साम्राज्य: शाही-सरकार सं.
For our Tamil speaking melanated heterosexual brothers and sisters. We are anti caste system and anti marginalization. We love you and you are welcome within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy.
நம் தமிழ் பேசும் மேலான பாலின சகோதர சகோதரிகளுக்கு. நாங்கள் சாதி அமைப்பு மற்றும் ஓரங்கட்டப்படுவதை எதிர்க்கிறோம். நாங்கள் உங்களை நேசிக்கிறோம், அமெக்ஸெம்-மூர்-பேரரசுக்குள் உங்களை வரவேற்கிறோம்: அரசியலமைப்பு- முடியாட்சி
For our Arabic speaking melanated heterosexual brothers and sisters. We are anti corruption and anti marginalization. We love you and you are welcome within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy.
لإخواننا وأخواتنا الناطقين باللغة العربية من جنسين مختلفين. نحن ضد الفساد وضد التهميش. نحن نحبك ومرحبًا بك في إمبراطورية أمكسيم مور: الملكية الدستورية
For our Guarani speaking melanated heterosexual brothers and sisters. We are anti corruption and anti marginalization. We love you and you are welcome within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy.
Ñande hermano ha hermana heterosexual melanado guarani-pe guarã. Ñande ha'e anti pokarê ha anti marginación. Rohayhu ha rejeguerohory Amexem-Moor-Imperio: Constitucional-Monarquía ryepýpe
In the photo = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Morabutin-Region: Command-Authority, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Dende-Fari/Regional-Governor: Distinguished-Noble: Pro-Corpore-Regni: Musa-Shabazz-El: Bey, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Senior-Imperial-Affairs-Agent for the Zenaga-District, Honorable-Noble: Moustapha-Sarr: Bey, 3 of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Jaraaf’s/Lieutenant-Ambassadors (Local-Command-Authorities/”Mayors”), and several-other: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals in the Mbakendieke, Zenaga-District in the Morabutin-Region of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sector-4 = Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu
Wearing the white-garment in the photo is the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sector-4: Command-Authority, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sekhem-Bawantua/Sakima/Sector-Governor, His-Excellency: Grand-Noble: Taheruka-Shabazz-El: Bey in the Ngaurane, Zenaga-District in the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sector-4 = Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu
Constantly and consistently getting the work done all across the planet with the resources we have… we persevere and endure…honorably, rightly, and justly How?
We collectively improvise, adapt, and overcome as One. We are team oriented and that is how we train…that is how we engage because this is who we are.
Our-collective-prosperity, is upon us and increasing now For this we give much thanks and gratitude.
Royal-Court receiving the Imperial-Court…
His-Majesty: Nkonyahene: Kofi-Okotor-Kofi: III (Seated) and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch, His-Imperial-Majesty: Grand-Hene/Bur-Fari: An-Anu-El: Bey, bidding-farewell while the Nkonyahene, was, visiting the Agade-Medina (Amexem-Moor-Empire: Capital-City/Imperial-City).
Shaded-area = Morabutin-Region of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sector-4 =Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu = largest-region on the planet within the Dominions Of The Realm of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy.
Voluntary-contributions of any size to fund our: Fiscal-Budget-Laws, are most welcome via Cash App to $ArielleAli (Foreign-Exchange-Agent, converting foreign-paper into the silver or gold for the depositing into the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Treasury in the compliance with the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution: Article: 6: Section: 1: Clause: 1).
Public-Forum = Justicedays/"Thursdays" at 7 in the evening-hours Agade-Medina: Local-Time [7: pm, E.S.T.] via 6053135105 Pin-Number: 207530#
Every: Peaceday-night/"Monday-night, at 8 "E.S.T." is the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government: Public-Video: Questions & Answers: Segment.
Not a presentation. This is strictly questions and answers about the processes, protocols/Adab, and procedures for the existing and functioning within the jurisdiction and venue of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government.
Any and all questions get answered regarding the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government-Operations: down-to: the-local-level, business-formation, establishment of a business or private-account in the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Depository-System and how-to-do: transactions-therein, or interview for the amalgamation into the Organic-Nation/National-Collection-Of-Souls comprising the entire-population of the Dominions Of The Realm of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy (You may do this from anywhere across the planet, provided-you-are-not-incarcerated. We don't care if you speak Yoruba, Dinka, Mende, Urdu, Marathi or Tagalog, you are welcome-among-us).
All-heads-covered with the proper-attire.
Your camera must be on or you shall be removed from the session.
These sessions happen every: Peaceday.
Click the link: to-participate:
Asset tracking and monitoring = Primary-function of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Force: Bolombo-Unit for the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Treasury And Budget.
Fleet tracking and monitoring = Primary-function of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Force: Bolombo-Unit for the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Journey/Travel And Transport.
"When am I getting my product and where is it? Biggest-question on the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Global-Supply-Chain from the primary-owner/operators of the businesses in the good-standing before the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Power And Industry-Agency: Imperial-Business-Registrar = participating within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Global-Common-Market within the commerce-requirements of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Customs.
That is the nature of the work of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Commerce-Quad =
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Logistics (Supply-Chain-Operations: Empire-Wide)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Parcel-Service (Non-participant in the “UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION)
J/T&T = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Journey/Travel And Transport
ICF = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Force (Homeland-Security/Sea-Law-Enforcement/ Trade-Enforcement/Littoral-Waters-Guard/Secret-Service)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Logistics and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Force: tracking and monitoring requires the answers unto the following-questions because the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Law And Justice, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Imperial-Affairs, and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Treasury And Budget require the answers in the service of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls.
Where are the ship containers?
Where are the aircraft containers?
Where are the ships?
Where are the aircraft?
Where are the transport helicopters?
Where are the trucks?
Where are the truck trailers?
Where are the truck flatbeds?
Warehouses-locations and inspections.
Refrigerated-warehouses: locations and inspections.
High-security-warehouses: locations and inspections.
High-security: refrigerated-warehouses: locations and inspections.
How much of this should we allow for automation to take on?
Complexity is a challenge and computing power and peripherals makes automation even more daunting.
That doesn't even take into account hacking, cracking, ransomware, darkweb dispersion of fake identification and identity theft on the foreign-venue: world-wide-web, internet, and networks or infiltration-attempts upon the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Communications: Civilian-Net (Our-own: internet with our own encryption)
So many moving parts. If you have multiple parties providing these services independently or jointly amongst themselves or combined with us, accountability for failure in this system is not clear cut and enforcement of accountability in practice may get diffused and that is unacceptable (His-Imperial-Majesty and His-Law-Minister/His-Grand-Wazir, they are not having it…none of it).
One failure in the chain of operations can lead to a system wide breakdown or worse, a catastrophic event upon the supply chain that predicates the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Global-Common-Market (His-Imperial-Majesty, His-Treasury-Minister, His-Interior-Minister, His-Transport-Minister, and His-Customs-Minister…they are not having it…none of it).
Constantly and consistently getting the work done all across the planet with the resources we have… we persevere and endure…honorably, rightly, and justly How?
We collectively improvise, adapt, and overcome as One. We are team oriented and that is how we train…that is how we engage because this is who we are.
Our independent-industries, commerce, trade, and getting back to sea as a folk with our vessels moving our goods and products across the planet, requires far more than talk. It requires the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Merchant-Moorines and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperia-Customs-Force existing and functioning-at-all-times in the well-informed, well-trained: orderly and proficient-manner:
Eliminating the Western-socially-engineered: mindset and behavior-patterns: mindset-by-mindset, familyhood-by-familyhood: continent-by-continent…restoring-our: collective-liberty and freedom despite the best-efforts of the colonizing-hostiles and their melanated-puppets: all-across the planet: THIS-IS-WHAT-WE-CONSISTENTLY-DO!!!
What does the monthly contributions and monthly business taxes collected by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government, pay for, for all of us on both sides of the ocean? Equipment, material, supplies, training, oversight, quality assurance, saving lives, and improving the quality of lives. Bringing nongmo seeds, independent electricity, water purification, and so much more is what we consistently do. We are not boasting or bragging. We are not talking the talk. We are demonstrating what actually is. This is our work not allowing very limited resources to be an excuse or reason to do nothing. We are not allowed to borrow. Our contributions as received is how we pay for all of this for over 2 decades now.
In the link is our newest: Fiscal-Budget-Law. Voluntary contributions from the non masonic and non Jesuit melanated-heterosexuals are welcome and very helpful to our getting more work done faster fairly and equitably...for all of us on both sides of the ocean. Inbox us through this website to make a voluntary-contribution
We get our work done without borrowing because we can't borrow. Our: Constitution FORBIDS/DOES NOT ALLOW, our Imperial-Government, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Interior: Authorized-businesses, or: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals, to-borrow or engage in "credit"...NOT EVER. So if we don't have it/don’t have the funds, we don't get it/we don’t acquire the item or service. If we seek it, we have to pull together, figure it out together, and honorably-fund it.
When it comes to our collective-work, we are team players and in each other's face: to-get-the-work: DONE...On-task. On-target. On-time. Those of us that don't pull our weight get gone because our-leadership puts them out….QUICK!!!. We get value for what we spend because we must. Every 1/4 of silver is accounted for before we even get it as we have no surplus at the moment. Put 24,000 in gold in our hands and it is gone in 20: minutes because the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Logistics-Operations-Director would get orders to buy and deploy 3D: printers, shortwave-radio-systems, , reverse-osmosis: water-treatment-systems, 16: diesel-powered-generators and the equipment for 3: biodiesel-refining-systems, or any other items in the current: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government: Fiscal-Budget-Law. We got work to do on 4: continents and no-where near the money to fund it. So what. We fund what we are able. We don’t make excuses. We make limes into limeade. We improvise, we adapt, we overcome all obstacles in ALL: circumstances we collectively find ourselves in. We don’t lose…We learn. Thus together…we as the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls, as: One….we WIN!!!
This is what we (Entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls): decided-to-have and maintain: for-ourselves and our-posterity. To keep, maintain, improve, expand, and continue to maintain-in-perpetuity, what we decided-to-have and maintain for ourselves while making it all available unto all of the melanated-heterosexuals across the home-planet: that-choose-to: amalgamate into the Organic-Nation of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls = culminating in the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Jurisdiction And Venue with the including of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Global-Depository, and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Global-Common-Market for the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Independent-Industries, Commerce And Trade for the greater-good of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls, and, our-posterity.
Nation = Amexem-Moor-Empire
Nationality =
Amexem-Moor-Empire (For us, Our: Nation is an Empire thus they are synonymous-terms within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Jurisdiction and Venue). What is our Nationality? Amexem-Moor, Alkebulanian-Moor, Cushite-Moor/Harappan-Moor, Asiatic-Moor. Nationality of all of these = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals
Countries within the Dominions Of The Realm of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy =
Greater-Amexem (North, Central, and South-Amexem with the including of the Atlantis and Atlantis-Islands), Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu/Old-Amazigh/Amexem, Cush-Harappa, and Greater-Asia. All of these Countries = Dominions of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch = Amexem-Moor-Empire.
National-Motto = "Humble, Dignified, Always-Firm"
National-Creed = “Shut up and consistently DO!!!”
Capital-City/ Imperial-City = Agade-Medina
Capital-City: Coordinates = Lat. 39 .n 57: Long.75. w. 10:
12.00:00: Daylight-Hours
Official-Language = Moorabiy/Fusa- [Arabiy]
Official-Dialect = English
Official-Religion or Spiritual-Path = None...That is a private-matter not an Imperial-Government : Issue therefore no religion or spiritual-path has an official-sanction however All are respected and protected through the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution: Article: 9.
Official-Business- Calendar = Amexem-Moor-Calendar (Solar-Calendar/ Spring-Equinox)
Official-Agriculture-Calendar = Lunar-Calendar
Calendar-Type = 12: months, 30: Earth-Days, 5: Special-Days( 6 in the roman-calendar 'LEAP'-year) commencing at the 06: 30: 00: sunrise-hours on the 1: Ku-Mal) originating at the dawn of the existence of the Umi's(Mothers')-Mitochondria-Dna, 301, 612: Earth-Years-ago as we exist and function today as opposed-to the earlier types of those that inhabited this planetary-home.
Government-Type = Hereditary: Constitutional-Monarchy
Legislative-Branch = Imperial-Shura( Council)
Judicial-Branch = Constitutional-Monarch's: Bench
Imperial-Court For The Small-Claims
12: Department; 39: Sub-Department: Structure providing Sector, Regional, District, and Local-Operations at the direction of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch
Dominions-of-His-Imperial-Majesty as the Bey Of The
Greater-Amexem include the North, Central, and South-Amexem including the Atlantis and Atlantis-Islands, Abzu/Alkebu- Lan [misnomer = africa], Harappa-Indus: Region [misnomer = india, bangladesh, pakistan, afghanistan, nepal], wherever our bones and artifacts are the oldest in the land = most of the planet = broken-down into the 9: Sectors.
Sectors = 9 = North-Amexem, Central-Amexem, South-Amexem, Alkebu-lan and Abzu, Canaan-Tigris, Cusharappasi, Dubhcordobadane-Calabreah, Kandamkorinipmoro, and Khmer-Shango
Primary-Law = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution of the
predicating by the Natural-Law/ Universal-Law
through the Common/Sharia-Law of the creating
and completing by the first and reigning/sitting-
Sovereign-Head, Amexem-Moor-Empire:
Constitutional-Monarch, His-Imperial-Majesty:
Emperor: An-Anu-El: Bey on the date =
23: Anu-Ab-Sin: 301, 603: A.M.C.
Primary-Governmental-Procedures = Imperial-Commands
Official-Money = Platinum-Ujaama (10.oz: Bar), Gold-Dinar-Coin(1. oz) Gold-Dirham-Coin (1/2.oz), Silver-Monarch-Coin( 1.oz and 1/2.oz), and Silver-Ujaama-Bar (1.oz, 1/2.oz, and 1/4.oz)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Master For The Mint: Official-Standards = Bamako-Ounce
One: Bamako-Ounce = 31.1034768: grams
Limited-Circulation-Coin = Silver-Ujaama (still in circulation though out of production. Next-strike of the Silver-Ujaama is scheduled however, His-Imperial-Majesty's: Master Of The Mint does not authorize the release of the strike-date) .
Non-Offensive: Defense = Imperial-Defense-Force
Coast/Littoral-Waters-Guard = Imperial-Customs-Force
Law-Enforcement = Imperial-Customs-Force: Sea-Law-Enforcement
Anti-Fire: Marshal-Service
Primary-Exports = Herbal-Medicines, Biodiesel,
Clothing, Glycerin, Non-gmo: Hydroponically-
Grown-Food, Fuel-Cells, Axial-Flux-Motors, Digital-Technology
System-For-Learning = Madrasatun-Al- Tali'Un (Levels: 1-9)
Mashriqun-Dar- Al-Hikmat (Levels:10-14)
System-For-Health = Universal-Health-Care through the
Bimaristan (Health-Center)-System