how we proceed

Department For The Admissions

Orientation-Data: 5.0

Peace and I.S.L.A.M.:

For the record,

Data below = updates unto the proper-method = how-to: conduct-yourself, at-all-times as the consummate: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National.

Please be mindful of the following processes, protocols, and procedures and govern yourself accordingly as what is specified-herein is not a request...All of the stating-herein = an-absolute-requirement.

Welcome unto the Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Umma. Now that you are part and parcel of this collection of souls or within our sphere-of-influence, your life is no longer your own. Everything you do publicly or privately, officially or privately has a direct or indirect-impact on us all. Bottom line is your actions have consequences beyond yourself.

As a National, once you set up a schedule, you shall and must report unto your training-classes for the Nationals: Basic-Training from the Amexem-Moor-Empire: General-Information-Agency: Staff and your training-classes from the Department or Sub-Department therein: His/Her-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Government: Structure, wherever you are assigned, on-time and ready for instruction (You shall and must have a notebook, writing equipment especially red ink, whatever materials are appropriate or required for the respective-training-regimen). Lateness triggers an automatic fine = 1: ounce of the silver and the fine shall escalate with the repeat-lateness. You may not attend any training until the fine is paid, in-full. You shall and must provide 72: hours of the volunteer-time, every-month therein the Department or Sub-Department therein: His/Her-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Government: Structure, wherever you are assigned, on-time and you shall provide unto the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Admissions, a Volunteer-Time: Compliance-Record: form. You shall present this unto the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Admissions via the by the requiring by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Admissions: Operations-Director, Distinguished-Noble: Sheena-Ali: Bey.

Your: amalgamation-fee: monthly-installment = payable every “2nd-Saturday” on the “roman” calendar. You may not attend any training or have access unto the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government-Operations until the payment, is-made, in-full.

Constitutional-Donations (Amexem-Moor-Empire: Article: 6) = payable every “2nd-Saturday” on the “roman” calendar. Noncompliance = A: Constitutional-Crime = amenable before the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Court upon the complaint by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Law And Justice: Staff. Any-complaint = on the basis of the evidence from the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Treasury And Budget: Special-Investigations-Detail. Temporary-Waiver/90: Day: Hardship-Waiver = available at the discretion of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Minister For The Law And Justice, His-Crown-Excellency: Crown-Noble: Hannibal-Lex-Dred-Micha: El

We don’t care what you do in your: private-capacity as long as your behavior does not breach the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution.

We-convene-as a collection-of-souls, twice, an: Earth-year. What you do everyday besides the Spring-Equinox-Event and Moor’s-Re-emergence-Day is up to you. On those two days you shall convene with the Greater-House/National-Collective in your area and when circumstances allow, in the Imperial-City. If you are a ranking-official, you or your deputy are required to be in the Imperial-City for those days. On those days, sincere-reconciliation is the order of the day, in-house/Empire-wide. Everyday we have the duty, obligation, and responsibility to live the Amexem-Moor-Creed = humble, dignified, always-firm. On these two days, even more so. If any of this is a problem for you, you are not an: Amexem-Moor in your heart and we do not accept your presence amongst our ranks. Go your way now, in peace.


You shall comply with the dress-code for the official-capacity (male = Fez or Turban. Red-Fez with the 12: inch-black-tassle. Imperial-Council-Members, Imperial-Knights, and the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch’s: Chief Of The Staff wear the black-Fez. Amexem-Wear: Garment: Spring/Summer or Autumn-Winter: styles. Black is the standard and formal color. Ambassadors and Imperial-Emissaries wear the black for their regular-duties and Navy-Blue for their Diplomatic-Engagements.

Ambassadors and Imperial-Emissaries wear white when they are receiving a female-foreign-dignitary and Navy-Blue for a male) (female = Red turban/head-wrap. Imperial-Council-Members wear red except when they are convened in a Council-Meeting or National-Assembly/Spring-Equinox/Moor’s-Re-emergence-Day when they wear a black turban/head-wrap. No pants are allowed only long skirts or Women’s: Amexem-Wear: garments with the same color-requirements as the men) or face immediate-sanction from the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government.

Purple: Official-Garments are only worn by those within the Imperial-House (Constitutional-Monarch, His/Her-Consort, and their: Offspring) or a Vassal unto the Constitutional-Monarch.

Private-capacity-dress is a private-matter however we insist that our women show forth class, dignity, and grace. We do not require the covering of 95% of a woman’s body however we shall not accept nor tolerate our women exposing themselves and His/Her-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Government shall sanction the woman showing forth the poor-judgment to dishonor the National-Umma in the immediate and intense-manner as swiftly as the Imperial-Government shall severely sanction any of our men or any man that puts his hands on any of our women without her consent within the dominions-of: His/Her-Imperial-Majesty.

You shall fill out a 6: day-cycle-report detailing your activities and productivity regarding your volunteer time unto your immediate-supervisor therein the Department or Sub-Department therein: His/Her-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Government: Structure, wherever you are assigned. You shall present this report unto your Command-Authority and send a back up unto the Imperial-Government: Central-Command via the contact =

You shall be present at the local-command-headquarters or local-operations-center nearest unto you or call into the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government: Briefing at the contact-point = 605-313-5105 access-code = #207530 on the every [Thursday] at the time = 7:00: Daylight-Hours, A.M.T. (Amexem-Moor-Time = Agade-Medina-Time). You need to know what your Imperial-Government is doing and our collection-of-souls needs to hear from you to know what you are doing and that we may know you are well = safe and unmolested. If you are across the Atlantis-Ocean and do not have the means to call in, report this at once and you'll have a waiver at least temporarily from the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Imperial-Affairs.

  1. Everything you say in public, in your official-capacity is absolutely construed internationally as the official-position of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government on the behalf of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collective and our-posterity. You must watch everything you say, when, and how you say it. Everything down to your mannerisms and voice tone must be very carefully done.

  2. Never say "the government". Always specify what government you are referring unto.  Usually that means the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government. All others are referred unto as a "foreign-venue" or "the foreign-venue: in-question".

  3. Never say "society". Always specify what "society" you are referring unto. Usually that means the Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collective/Collection-of-Souls. All others you are to refer unto as a "foreign-society".

  4. When making a statement/official-statement or declaratory-remark, always preface the dialogue by saying " the: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government, on my watch, "- - - - -"

  5. When answering a question, always preface the answer by saying "His-Imperial-Majesty's: Imperial-Government, on my watch "- - - - -"

  6. Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government-Officials and Nationals in their official-capacity NEVER, EVER  refer unto anyone engaging in their official-capacity by their appellation, Brother, Sister,or anything other than their official-rank = Noble, Honorable-Noble, Distinguished-Noble, Grand-Noble/Noble-Lord (Imperial-Knights)/Crown-Noble, All-Council-Members and Principal-Officials also are referred unto as His/Her-Excellency except the Grand-Wazir (His/Her-Crown-Excellency) and Grand-Ambassador (His/Her-Grand-Excellency), Constitutional-Monarch =  His/Her-Imperial-Majesty, Your-Imperial-Majesty, Emperor, Grand-Sultan(Male), Grand-Candice(Female), Sovereign-Head, Constitutional-Monarch or Monarch, for short, or Your-Grace.

We say folks...never "people". We NEVER say “Okay/O.K.”. Instead, we say alright, very well, sounds good, will do, give thanks, that's peace...NEVER "Okay/O.k."

When entering an Operations-Center/Official-location, all: Nationals shall locate and show their respects by saluting the hoisted-colors =Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Flag, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Originating-Flag/Al-Moroc/Mother-Flag and wherever they are flying, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sea-Colors = Ensign, as well as the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch’s: Banner.

When the colors are being hoisted or lowered by a civilian or a National, in-their: private-capacity, they shall and must call everyone within the sound of their voice unto attention saying “I.S.L.A.M.: Moors, show your respects as I hoist/lower the colors”.

All: Nationals shall and must stand at attention in utter-silence. Men hand-salute with fingers together and palm facing forward and Women place their hands on their hearts with their fingers spread apart.

Non-compliance = absolute-disrespect unto our-ancestors, our-posterity, our: Constitutional-Monarch, and ourselves and shall be met with immediate and harsh-sanction.

When-our: Constitutional-Monarch, His/Her-Consort, an: Imperial-Council-Member, their: Consorts, an: Ambassador, Imperial-Knight, Imperial-Emissary, a Sub-Department-Head, a Foreign-Dignitary or the Local: Ranking-Umi (Mother) enters a room, stands after being seated, or leaves the room, All: Nationals shall and must stand at attention in utter-silence until they say “Be-seated”. Transition-Teams must do the same for their commanding: Temporary-Agent.

Non-compliance = absolute-disrespect unto our-ancestors, our-posterity, our: Constitutional-Monarch, and ourselves and shall be met with immediate and harsh-sanction.

When the colors are being hoisted or lowered by the any of the staff serving in the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch’s: defense/customs/investigation-apparatus, aforementioned-staff, shall and must assemble the honor-guard-detail for the hoisting or lowering of the colors in the keeping with the standing-orders therein the respective: general-operations-manual/manual/bulletin/site-orders/

Who we are and how we proceed as Amexem-Moors = Love, Peace, Freedom, Truth, and Justice…Sow-good, reap-good!

If you have a question, comment, or view, contact your Local-Area: Government-Command-Authority on the matter or present them during the briefings. If you have a grievance against the Amexem-Moor-Empire, put it in writing and present it unto the Local-Area: Government-Command-Authority and send a copy unto the  central-email for the proper-dispatchment unto the appropriate-command-authority by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: General-Information-Agency: Staff therein the G-I-A: Internet-Operations-Unit. We clean our dirty laundry together…quietly, in-house! NOT in public. NEVER in public.

From this moment forward, henceforth and forever more, you shall think, act, and speak with all of the foregoing in mind. If you are an: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National, in-your-heart, none of the foregoing should be a problem at all. If you take issue with any of the foregoing, part ways with us now and go your way in peace as none of the foregoing is negotiable…EVER!

If you are of the mindset that you shall engage at all times as described-herein, welcome unto the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Collection-Of-Souls/National-Collective or if you are a Temporary-Agent, welcome into our sphere-of-influence. May all of days together be healthy, productive, prosperous, safe, and unmolested, for us all and all of our posterity.

Peace and I.S.L.A.M.

the crew.jpg

In the photo = His-Dende-Fari/Regional-Ambassador, Distinguished-Noble: Ani'oto-Shabazz-El: Bey, His-Jaraaf/Lieutenant-Ambassador, Honorable-Noble: Ablaye-Dione: Bey, consort, and  Senior-Regional: Imperial-Affairs-Agent: Honorable-Noble: Mustafa in the Tokomag, Zenaga-District