Our: Continuous-Monitoring Of The Action And Inaction By The Masses: All Across The Planet From the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Perspective
In the photo = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Grand-Wazir and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Command-Authority flanking the Sitting/Reigning: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch = Here in the Port-Hannah-City. We-are-thankful for the service-of: His-Crown-Excellency, His-Grand-Excellency, and His-Imperial-Majesty unto the entire: Organic-Nation = entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls = entire-population of the Dominions Of The Realm of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy and our-poserity.
Equalityday, 10: Ur-Gula: 301,628
- - - Port-Hannah-City
For the record:
In the service of the entire: Organic-Nation = entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls comprising the population of the 4: countries (Greater-Amexem, Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu, Cush-Harappa, and Greater-Asia ), Amexem-Moor-Empire: Al-Mandiya-Zaria: Wa-Shabazz: Sultanate, and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Mu-Akhan-Sultanate = within the Dominions Of The Realm of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy, His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Government observes the following and in the strict-neutrality: unto-all-of-it: acts-accordingly for the maintenance in the perpetuity of the strict-neutrality for the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals, our-posterity, and our: Imperial-Interests..
His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Government observes the continued-rudderless-behavior of the complacent-population in the North-Amexem of the undeclared-Moors = “Blacks”/”Hispanics” and “conscious-community”/ucc package: nonsovereigns/paper “nation” nonsolvents: incapable of the practical and sensible: existence, functionality, or the competent-leadership.
His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Government observes the most-recent-provocation by the Kagame-regime against the Congosheebah-District for the latest-attempt in the stealing and smuggling of the coltan and diamonds.
His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Government observes the continued-failure of the electric-grid in the Azania misnomer = “SOUTH AFRICA” for the last: 16: consecutive: earthyears.
His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Government observes the continued-mismanagement of the resources in the Guaranmapuche misnomer = “ARGENTINA”/”CHILE”/”PERU” despite the copper, other metals and massive-find of the shale-rock: oil
His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Government observes the inflation-rate in the Cebu-Caviti-District misnomer = “PHILLIPINES” at the 6.1% while the inflation-rate in the Phoenicia misnomer “LEBANON” at the 254% with the inflation-rate in the Al-Singbey misnomer = “VENEZUELA” at the 400%.
His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Government observes the spread of the cashless-system of the nonsubstance-based-economies = advancing-rapidly, even-faster-than-expected with the injection of the 191: billion “digital-dollars” into “circulation” by the NY FED” and “banks” adjusting “existing” accounts into the “FED NOW” compliance without the informing of the “account” holders plus the “ECB PRESIDENT” announcing on the record of the plan for the treating-as: a criminal-act: spending: 1000: euros-or-more: per-day: in-cash.
In the era of the "APEEL", MRNA vax, non substance "digital currency"... Our current: Fiscal-Budget-Law, is 4 times the size of the Rockefeller owned and operated/controlled "AFRICAN UNION" 2.79 BILLION IN GOLD TO THEIR 651 MILLION. So they are NOT serious. They are just doing the Bauers, Rockefeller, and Gates bidding. They bow down to the oil barons and vaccine baron. "Decreasing population. Decreasing water supply. Decreasing manufacturing and exports. Decreasing foreign reserves. Increasing inflation. Low to no internal demand. 70 trillion in debt plus the 31 provinces have an additional 9 trillion in debt, That's misnomer China. BRICS central banks are all under the control of the same owner. Lay down with the non substance based economy dogs and you'll get up with their flea's... Beyjing debt trappers are not the next global super power. The caste system imposers in the misnomer "New Delhi" are not the next economic super power either. We Moors are. On my watch, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government leads the way shutting down the classism, caste systems, and marginalization everywhere we find it" - - - Emperor: An-Anu-El: Bey
We speak 16 different languages and dialects within the Organic-Nation that we did reconstitute, reestablish, and have caused to reemerge 25 years ago comprised of all of us on the mother continent and all of us in the diaspora, even as far as the East and far East. Our financial capital is in the Toubangui on the mother continent, our governance capital, Agade-Medina, is on this side of the ocean.
Now the ocean is no longer a boundary or a border for us. Heterosexual brothers and sisters all across the planet, you are most welcome to join us. Why should you? Allow us to explain: We do what the colonizing hostiles and their melanated puppets discourage, what they launch coups to interrupt or stop. Unlike most of our kith and kindred, we are not afraid of any of that because as a folk, so many of our kith and kindred are so marginalized all across the planet and the alleged leaders among us are in on the efforts to destroy our kith and kindred while they get paid to give away our resources...for next to nothing with no improvements to the standard of living for everyone fairly and equitably.
In other words we have nothing else to lose. Banks everywhere are failing. Fortunately we have depositories instead of banks.
Across the ocean, Beyjing debt traps our brothers and sisters already marginalized by Londinium, Paris, and Brussels. Across the ocean Moscow provides the weapons that keep the despots in power while they grift, graft, and outright steal the resources to give away to their colonizers, debt trappers, and arms suppliers for next to nothing. They get rich making the colonizing hostiles and debt trappers even richer. Those they control with the arms from Moscow, are kept in line and poor on purpose.
On this side of the ocean... The plandemic and inflation exposed ALL of the alleged "leaders" and ALL of the alleged pan africanists and all of the alleged moorish "nations" as full of crap. NONE of them had and still don't have a competent plan with competent back up plans with a budget. No plan, no budget to implement a plan effectively, NOTHING to collectively move as One without having to rely on the colonizing-hostiles, debt trappers, arms suppliers, and their melanated-puppets.
These frauds had no and still have no plans for the melanated-heterosexuals that are independent of the colonizing-hostiles. They don't make a move without the approval of the colonizing-hostiles or their arms suppliers and the debt trappers. So it is clear that they chose a side...not our side. At your expense, they choose the colonizing-hostiles, arms suppliers, and debt trappers. They had no and still have no operations, no leadership for the operations, no quality-assurance for the operations, and zero oversight for any operations capable of providing a viable option, choice, or solution unto the planned bs from the colonizing-hostiles, arms suppliers, debt trappers and their melanated-puppets. And when the moorish guys and pan afiricanists got exposed as frauds and the moorish guys with long guns got locked up after a stand off with the colonizing-hostiles that they contract into aka remain the economic slaves of...the moorish guys and the pan african guys literally went silent and hid out of sight.
The plandemic and the subsequent lockdowns are over for now. So some of these traitors have come out of hiding. They started their lecture tours again. A very few of them have shame and have not returned...yet. They hid because they are full of nonsense and don't want to be called out for being full of frauds. They are running from responsibility and accountability. On both counts, they shall lose as justice shall prevail. Our folks can't feed their families and keep the water running in their abodes with the bs these clowns be on.
They have nothing for our folks... NOTHING!!! They don't. We absolutely DO!!!
And we train you too so you are able to competently exist and function collectively in a practical and sensible manner, independent of the colonizing-hostiles, debt trappers, arms suppliers, and their melanated-puppets.
Establish your business with us, your business taxes fund our annual: Fiscal-Budget-Laws providing the equipment, materials, supplies, operations, services, and oversight that causes our: Global-Common-Market to make the colonizing-hostiles and their melanated-puppets irrelevant.
We started in 2 cities on 1 continent. Now we are in 17 cities on several continents. When you get serious about your liberty and freedom... We stockpile non GMO seeds (62 different types) in several cities on both sides of the ocean. We have just under 300,000: seeds total and growing. We have indoor greenhouses and hydroponics (ebb and flow) system (1 large) and smaller variants (Countertop) in several areas on both sides of the ocean. We distill our water on both sides of the ocean on our own equipment. We store some in non bpa containers and some we store in cobalt blue glass. We make our own electricity on our equipment on both sides of the ocean with diesel generators and solar power generators.
We make our own biodiesel (B100) on our own equipment. We have a non-surgical universal healthcare plan...on this side of the ocean only for now. If the issue is bacterial, chemical, fungal, or viral, both acute or chronic...we shut it down hard and fast. We mint our own money on our own equipment and we use it on both sides of the ocean.
While others talk...We consistently DO!!!
All of you melanated-heterosexuals all across the planet shall eventually grow out of begging the colonizing-hostiles and their melanated-puppets. The melanated community hustlers scamming our own all across the planet are sowing negative energy that they shall soon reap on a horrific scale because of all of the damage they have done and do all across the planet. And when that time comes we shall call the bluff of all of you and your enabling them.
Your actions and inactions expose all of you pump fakers for the liars, frauds, or their enablers that you are. Your lack of plans resulting from a lack of vision is another karma check you shall pay in full. Meanwhile our fair and equitable work for the melanated-heterosexuals all across the planet is ignored for a little while longer by the melanated-heterosexuals all across the planet.
Soon though, our competent budgets for our competent plans for the melanated-heterosexuals all across the planet, that are independent of the international banksters, independent of the Londinium, Brussels, Paris, DC, the debt trapping neocolonizers in Beyjing, the "world" bank, and IMF, shall no longer be ignored by the melanated-heterosexuals.
Our competent plans with the competent budgets to implement these plans, shall be sought by the masses and we shall make it all available unto the melanated-heterosexuals all across the planet. We consistently get the job done to get the boot of the colonizing-hostiles and their melanated-puppets off of their throats. Get this in your heads...We don't borrow. We fundraise paying as we go. We don't owe anyone anything so no one gets to dictate our internal or foreign policies.
Additional-information from the Amexem-Moor-Empire = exclusively-here and nowhere-else: EFR Digital LLC | Latest on health, finance, and governance | Patreon
In the photo = Bey Of The Greater-Amexem with the including of the Atlantis and Atlantis-Islands, Bey Of The Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu, Bey Of The Cush-Harappa with the including of the Mohenjo-Daro, Dwaraka And Cusharappasi, and Bey Of The Kumari-Kandam as the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sovereign-Head, Possessor Of The Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Sovereign-Crown and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Scepter, as the Author, Organic-Holder-in-due-course, as the Organic-Holder-in-good-faith, primary-enforcer, and protector of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution, as the Organic-Controller Of The Regal-Powers Of The Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy: Justitia -Firmatur-Solium, as the Physical-Manifestation Of The Sovereign-Power Of The Amexem-Moor-Empire as the Sitting/Reigning: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch, His-Imperial-Majesty: Maad (Serer), Bur-Fari (Wolof), Togbia/Komo-Nkonzi (Sango), Grand-Hene For The Mu-Akhan-Sultanate, Grand-Sultan For The Nesutat: Al-Mandiya-Zaria: Wa-Shabazz: Sultanate, Molaodi (Sepedi/Northern-Sotho), And Emperor: An-Anu-El: Bey in the service of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls and our-posterity.
"Nationality goes to Nation. Nation goes to language. Language goes to culture. Culture goes to mentality. Mentality goes to innovation. Innovation goes to industry. Industry goes to commerce. Commerce goes to trade. Trade goes to Organic-Diplomacy. Organic-Diplomacy goes to peaceful-relations. Peaceful-relations goes to Organic-Government. Organic-Government goes to enduring: collective-sovereignty. Enduring-collective-sovereignty goes to enduring private-liberty, private-sovereignty, love, truth, peace, freedom, justice, equality, and right" - - - Molaodi, Grand-Hene, Maad, Bur-Fari, Togbia, Komo-Nkonzi, Grand-Sultan, And Emperor: An-Anu-El: Bey.
Peace and I.S.L.A.M.,
Always drinking green, Grand-Sultan: An-Anu-El: Bey
“It is what it is. Can’t be what it is not ‘ - - - Grand-Ambassador: Grand-Noble: Kedar-Al-Khabeer: Bey
Asset tracking and monitoring = Primary-function of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Force: Bolombo-Unit for the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Treasury And Budget.
Fleet tracking and monitoring = Primary-function of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Force: Bolombo-Unit for the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Journey/Travel And Transport.
"When am I getting my product and where is it? Biggest-question on the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Global-Supply-Chain from the primary-owner/operators of the businesses in the good-standing before the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Power And Industry-Agency: Imperial-Business-Registrar = participating within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Global-Common-Market within the commerce-requirements of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Customs.
That is the nature of the work of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Commerce-Quad =
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Logistics (Supply-Chain-Operations: Empire-Wide)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Parcel-Service (Non-participant in the “UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION)
J/T&T = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Journey/Travel And Transport
ICF = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Force (Homeland-Security/Sea-Law-Enforcement/ Trade-Enforcement/Littoral-Waters-Guard/Secret-Service)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Logistics and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Force: tracking and monitoring requires the answers unto the following-questions because the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Law And Justice, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Imperial-Affairs, and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Treasury And Budget require the answers in the service of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls.
Where are the ship containers?
Where are the aircraft containers?
Where are the ships?
Where are the aircraft?
Where are the transport helicopters?
Where are the trucks?
Where are the truck trailers?
Where are the truck flatbeds?
Warehouses-locations and inspections.
Refrigerated-warehouses: locations and inspections.
High-security-warehouses: locations and inspections.
High-security: refrigerated-warehouses: locations and inspections.
How much of this should we allow for automation to take on?
Complexity is a challenge and computing power and peripherals makes automation even more daunting.
That doesn't even take into account hacking, cracking, ransomware, darkweb dispersion of fake identification and identity theft on the foreign-venue: world-wide-web, internet, and networks or infiltration-attempts upon the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Communications: Civilian-Net (Our-own: internet with our own encryption)
So many moving parts. If you have multiple parties providing these services independently or jointly amongst themselves or combined with us, accountability for failure in this system is not clear cut and enforcement of accountability in practice may get diffused and that is unacceptable (His-Imperial-Majesty and His-Law-Minister/His-Grand-Wazir, they are not having it…none of it).
One failure in the chain of operations can lead to a system wide breakdown or worse, a catastrophic event upon the supply chain that predicates the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Global-Common-Market (His-Imperial-Majesty, His-Treasury-Minister, His-Interior-Minister, His-Transport-Minister, and His-Customs-Minister…they are not having it…none of it).
Our independent-industries, commerce, trade, and getting back to sea as a folk with our vessels moving our goods and products across the planet, requires far more than talk. It requires the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Merchant-Moorines and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperia-Customs-Force existing and functioning-at-all-times in the well-informed, well-trained: orderly and proficient-manner: https://modern-moor-monarchy.squarespace.com/icf-news-1/amexem-moor-empire-deployment-designations-and-coastwise-trade-enforcement-excisetariffdutylevytonnageetal
Eliminating the Western-socially-engineered: mindset and behavior-patterns: mindset-by-mindset, familyhood-by-familyhood: continent-by-continent…restoring-our: collective-liberty and freedom despite the best-efforts of the colonizing-hostiles and their melanated-puppets: all-across the planet: THIS-IS-WHAT-WE-CONSISTENTLY-DO!!!
What does the monthly contributions and monthly business taxes collected by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government, pay for, for all of us on both sides of the ocean? Equipment, material, supplies, training, oversight, quality assurance, saving lives, and improving the quality of lives. Bringing nongmo seeds, independent electricity, water purification, and so much more is what we consistently do. We are not boasting or bragging. We are not talking the talk. We are demonstrating what actually is. This is our work not allowing very limited resources to be an excuse or reason to do nothing. We are not allowed to borrow. Our contributions as received is how we pay for all of this for over 2 decades now.
In the link is our newest: Fiscal-Budget-Law. Voluntary contributions from the non masonic and non Jesuit melanated-heterosexuals are welcome and very helpful to our getting more work done faster fairly and equitably...for all of us on both sides of the ocean. Inbox us through this website to make a voluntary-contribution https://modern-moor-monarchy.squarespace.com/fiscalbudgetlaws/amexem-moor-empire-imperial-government-fiscal-budget-law-301627
A-periodic-reminder: https://modern-moor-monarchy.squarespace.com/imperial/an-ounce-of-truth-is-better-than-a-pound-of-pain
We get our work done without borrowing because we can't borrow. Our: Constitution FORBIDS/DOES NOT ALLOW, our Imperial-Government, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Interior: Authorized-businesses, or: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals, to-borrow or engage in "credit"...NOT EVER. So if we don't have it/don’t have the funds, we don't get it/we don’t acquire the item or service. If we seek it, we have to pull together, figure it out together, and honorably-fund it.
When it comes to our collective-work, we are team players and in each other's face: to-get-the-work: DONE...On-task. On-target. On-time. Those of us that don't pull our weight get gone because our-leadership puts them out….QUICK!!!. We get value for what we spend because we must. Every 1/4 of silver is accounted for before we even get it as we have no surplus at the moment. Put 24,000 in gold in our hands and it is gone in 20: minutes because the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Logistics-Operations-Director would get orders to buy and deploy 3D: printers, shortwave-radio-systems, , reverse-osmosis: water-treatment-systems, 16: diesel-powered-generators and the equipment for 3: biodiesel-refining-systems, or any other items in the current: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government: Fiscal-Budget-Law. We got work to do on 4: continents and no-where near the money to fund it. So what. We fund what we are able. We don’t make excuses. We make limes into limeade. We improvise, we adapt, we overcome all obstacles in ALL: circumstances we collectively find ourselves in. We don’t lose…We learn. Thus together…we as the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls, as: One….we WIN!!!
This is what we (Entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls): decided-to-have and maintain: for-ourselves and our-posterity. To keep, maintain, improve, expand, and continue to maintain-in-perpetuity, what we decided-to-have and maintain for ourselves while making it all available unto all of the melanated-heterosexuals across the home-planet: that-choose-to: amalgamate into the Organic-Nation of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls = culminating in the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Jurisdiction And Venue with the including of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Global-Depository, and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Global-Common-Market for the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Independent-Industries, Commerce And Trade for the greater-good of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls, and, our-posterity.
Nation = Amexem-Moor-Empire
Nationality =
Amexem-Moor-Empire (For us, Our: Nation is an Empire thus they are synonymous-terms within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Jurisdiction and Venue). What is our Nationality? Amexem-Moor, Alkebulanian-Moor, Cushite-Moor/Harappan-Moor, Asiatic-Moor. Nationality of all of these = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals
Countries within the Dominions Of The Realm of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy =
Greater-Amexem (North, Central, and South-Amexem with the including of the Atlantis and Atlantis-Islands), Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu/Old-Amazigh/Amexem, Cush-Harappa, and Greater-Asia. All of these Countries = Dominions of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch = Amexem-Moor-Empire.
National-Motto = "Humble, Dignified, Always-Firm"
National-Creed = “Shut up and consistently DO!!!”
Capital-City/ Imperial-City = Agade-Medina
Capital-City: Coordinates = Lat. 39 .n 57: Long.75. w. 10:
12.00:00: Daylight-Hours
Official-Language = Moorabiy/Fusa- [Arabiy]
Official-Dialect = English
Official-Religion or Spiritual-Path = None...That is a private-matter not an Imperial-Government : Issue therefore no religion or spiritual-path has an official-sanction however All are respected and protected through the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution: Article: 9.
Official-Business- Calendar = Amexem-Moor-Calendar (Solar-Calendar/ Spring-Equinox)
Official-Agriculture-Calendar = Lunar-Calendar
Calendar-Type = 12: months, 30: Earth-Days, 5: Special-Days( 6 in the roman-calendar 'LEAP'-year) commencing at the 06: 30: 00: sunrise-hours on the 1: Ku-Mal) originating at the dawn of the existence of the Umi's(Mothers')-Mitochondria-Dna, 301, 612: Earth-Years-ago as we exist and function today as opposed-to the earlier types of those that inhabited this planetary-home.
Government-Type = Hereditary: Constitutional-Monarchy
Legislative-Branch = Imperial-Shura( Council)
Judicial-Branch = Constitutional-Monarch's: Bench
Imperial-Court For The Small-Claims
12: Department; 39: Sub-Department: Structure providing Sector, Regional, District, and Local-Operations at the direction of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch
Dominions-of-His-Imperial-Majesty as the Bey Of The
Greater-Amexem include the North, Central, and South-Amexem including the Atlantis and Atlantis-Islands, Abzu/Alkebu- Lan [misnomer = africa], Harappa-Indus: Region [misnomer = india, bangladesh, pakistan, afghanistan, nepal], wherever our bones and artifacts are the oldest in the land = most of the planet = broken-down into the 9: Sectors.
Sectors = 9 = North-Amexem, Central-Amexem, South-Amexem, Alkebu-lan and Abzu, Canaan-Tigris, Cusharappasi, Dubhcordobadane-Calabreah, Kandamkorinipmoro, and Khmer-Shango
Primary-Law = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution of the
predicating by the Natural-Law/ Universal-Law
through the Common/Sharia-Law of the creating
and completing by the first and reigning/sitting-
Sovereign-Head, Amexem-Moor-Empire:
Constitutional-Monarch, His-Imperial-Majesty:
Emperor: An-Anu-El: Bey on the date =
23: Anu-Ab-Sin: 301, 603: A.M.C.
Primary-Governmental-Procedures = Imperial-Commands
Official-Money = Platinum-Ujaama (10.oz: Bar), Gold-Dinar-Coin(1. oz) Gold-Dirham-Coin (1/2.oz), Silver-Monarch-Coin( 1.oz and 1/2.oz), and Silver-Ujaama-Bar (1.oz, 1/2.oz, and 1/4.oz)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Master For The Mint: Official-Standards = Bamako-Ounce
One: Bamako-Ounce = 31.1034768: grams
Limited-Circulation-Coin = Silver-Ujaama (still in circulation though out of production. Next-strike of the Silver-Ujaama is scheduled however, His-Imperial-Majesty's: Master Of The Mint does not authorize the release of the strike-date) .
Non-Offensive: Defense = Imperial-Defense-Force
Coast/Littoral-Waters-Guard = Imperial-Customs-Force
Law-Enforcement = Imperial-Customs-Force: Sea-Law-Enforcement
Anti-Fire: Marshal-Service
Primary-Exports = Herbal-Medicines, Biodiesel,
Clothing, Glycerin, Non-gmo: Hydroponically-
Grown-Food, Fuel-Cells, Axial-Flux-Motors, Digital-Technology
System-For-Learning = Madrasatun-Al- Tali'Un (Levels: 1-9)
Mashriqun-Dar- Al-Hikmat (Levels:10-14)
System-For-Health = Universal-Health-Care through the
Bimaristan (Health-Center)-System
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sovereign-Copyright-Number: SC07282023CE003