Amexem-Moor-Empire: Grand-Hene Convenes The Imperial-Council For The First-Main-Meeting Of The Month In The 301,627 On The Coming Loveday
Equalityday: 25: Ku-Mal: 301,627
- - - Port-Hannah-City
For the record, His-Imperial-Majesty: Grand-Hene: An-Anu-El: Bey, did-speak with the Treasury-Minister and Customs-Minister: yesterday, extensively in the preparation for the first-main: monthly-convening of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Council (2: Earthdays-from-now) for the conducting of the official-business of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls in the new-earthyear = 301,627: Amexem-Moor-Calendar (A.M.C.). No-details of the session-were-provided at the time of the reporting.
Last-night: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Ambassadors: Ambassador-In-Charge, His-Excellency: Grand-Noble: Wali-Salam: El, did-report unto the Grand-Hene. His-Excellency, did, brief the Grand-Hene in the summary-form. His-Excellency, shall, brief the Grand-Hene and Imperial-Command-Authority, His-Grand-Excellency: Grand-Noble: Kedar-Al-Khabeer: Bey, tomorrow (Rightday).
Also: Last-night: Amexem-Moor-Empire: General-Information-Agency: Internet-Operations-Unit, did, present the summary on the investigation-details = relevant unto the decrease in the social-media: influencing-operations with the resulting-impact on the public-usage of the website under the influence of the G-I-A-: I-O-U (This-website). Study-Duration, was-ninety-earthdays upon the direct-order from the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Minister For The Communications, His-Excellency: Grand-Noble Dan-El
Analytics-results = page site and site-content-page-visits, did-rise: month-over-month for the 3: successive-months in the study-report-period = suggesting a migration-of: those-engaging on the social-media-platforms unto the website for the continuing of the engaging.
We have the confirmation = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Ambassador-Superintendent, His-Excellency: Grand-Noble: Jru-Suton-Aamir: Bey = supervising the current-expansion of the operations-of: His-Imperial-Majesty’s: District-Government in the Albion-District.
We have the confirmation = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Regional-Governor, commanding: His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Regional-Government for the Morabutin-Region and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Regional-Governor, commanding: His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Regional-Government for the Ab.Zu: Southern-Rim: Region, both, spoke-directly with the Grand-Hene. Session-durations and other-data = not-provided.
Ground in the Yendi, Ghanasonghai-District = being-prepared for the construction of the ALI-TRADING: ALKEBU-LAN: ARIEELE’S-BAKERY: Location: 2
ALI-TRADING through the subsidiary = ALI-TRADING: ALKEBU-LAN, did, commence the construction of the second: ARIELLE]S-BAKERY in the Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu (Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sector-4) in the Yendi, Ghanasonghai-District in the Morabutin-Region under the supervision of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Lieutenant-Ambassador, commanding, His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Local-Government in the Yendi.
In the photo = construction-material for the construction of the ALI-TRADING: ALKEBU-LAN: ARIEELE’S-BAKERY: Location: 2 in the Yendi, Ghanasonghai-District.
In the photo = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Lieutenant-Ambassador, Honorable-Noble: Obaa-El, commanding the Grand-Hene’s: Local-Government for the Yendi, Ghanasonghai-District. He is supervising the construction of the construction of the ALI-TRADING: ALKEBU-LAN: ARIEELE’S-BAKERY: Location: 2 and MOORMART: ALKEBU-LAN: Store-Location: 2. Honorable-Noble, is-doing-everything: very-well. Grand-Hene, speaks-highly about the Lieutenant-Ambassador, all of the time. Training-of: our-fellow: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals plus the first-planting of the okra-crops in the Yendi, shall-be operational-underway under the leadership of the Lieutenant-Ambassador.
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Dende-Fari/Regional-Governor, commanding, His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Regional-Government for the Morabutin-Region, Distinguished-Noble: Pro-Corpore-Regni: Musa-Shabazz-El: Bey (Regional-Command-Authority for the Lieutenant-Ambassador for the Yendi, Ghanasonghai-District) = on the watch of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sector-4: Command-Authority: Grand-Noble: Taheruka-Shabazz-El: Bey.
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sekhem-Bawantua/Sector-Governor, commanding, His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Secor-Government for the country = Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu, His-Royal-Excellency, Grand-Noble: Taheruka-Shabazz-El: Bey
Nation = Amexem-Moor-Empire
Nationality =
Amexem-Moor-Empire (For us, Our: Nation is an Empire thus they are synonymous-terms within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Jurisdiction and Venue). What is our Nationality? Amexem-Moor, Alkebulanian-Moor, Cushite-Moor/Harappan-Moor, Asiatic-Moor. Nationality of all of these = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals
Countries within the Dominions Of The Realm of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy =
Greater-Amexem (North, Central, and South-Amexem with the including of the Atlantis and Atlantis-Islands), Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu/Old-Amazigh/Amexem, Cush-Harappa, and Greater-Asia. All of these Countries = Dominions of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch = Amexem-Moor-Empire.
National-Motto = "Humble, Dignified, Always-Firm"
National-Creed = “Shut up and consistently DO!!!”
Capital-City/ Imperial-City = Agade-Medina
Capital-City: Coordinates = Lat. 39 .n 57: Long.75. w. 10:
12.00:00: Daylight-Hours
Official-Language = Moorabiy/Fusa- [Arabiy]
Official-Dialect = English
Official-Religion or Spiritual-Path = None...That is a private-matter not an Imperial-Government : Issue therefore no religion or spiritual-path has an official-sanction however All are respected and protected through the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution: Article: 9.
Official-Business- Calendar = Amexem-Moor-Calendar (Solar-Calendar/ Spring-Equinox)
Official-Agriculture-Calendar = Lunar-Calendar
Calendar-Type = 12: months, 30: Earth-Days, 5: Special-Days( 6 in the roman-calendar 'LEAP'-year) commencing at the 06: 30: 00: sunrise-hours on the 1: Ku-Mal) originating at the dawn of the existence of the Umi's(Mothers')-Mitochondria-Dna, 301, 612: Earth-Years-ago as we exist and function today as opposed-to the earlier types of those that inhabited this planetary-home.
Government-Type = Hereditary: Constitutional-Monarchy
Legislative-Branch = Imperial-Shura( Council)
Judicial-Branch = Constitutional-Monarch's: Bench
Imperial-Court For The Small-Claims
12: Department; 39: Sub-Department: Structure providing Sector, Regional, District, and Local-Operations at the direction of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch
Dominions-of-His-Imperial-Majesty as the Bey Of The
Greater-Amexem include the North, Central, and South-Amexem including the Atlantis and Atlantis-Islands, Abzu/Alkebu- Lan [misnomer = africa], Harappa-Indus: Region [misnomer = india, bangladesh, pakistan, afghanistan, nepal], wherever our bones and artifacts are the oldest in the land = most of the planet = broken-down into the 9: Sectors.
Sectors = 9 = North-Amexem, Central-Amexem, South-Amexem, Alkebu-lan and Abzu, Canaan-Tigris, Cusharappasi, Dubhcordobadane-Calabreah, Kandamkorinipmoro, and Khmer-Shango
Primary-Law = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution of the
predicating by the Natural-Law/ Universal-Law
through the Common/Sharia-Law of the creating
and completing by the first and reigning/sitting-
Sovereign-Head, Amexem-Moor-Empire:
Constitutional-Monarch, His-Imperial-Majesty:
Emperor: An-Anu-El: Bey on the date =
23: Anu-Ab-Sin: 301, 603: A.M.C.
Primary-Governmental-Procedures = Imperial-Commands
Official-Money = Platinum-Ujaama (10.oz: Bar), Gold-Dinar-Coin(1. oz) Gold-Dirham-Coin (1/2.oz), Silver-Monarch-Coin( 1.oz and 1/2.oz), and Silver-Ujaama-Bar (1.oz, 1/2.oz, and 1/4.oz)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Master For The Mint: Official-Standards = Bamako-Ounce
One: Bamako-Ounce = 31.1034768: grams
Limited-Circulation-Coin = Silver-Ujaama (still in circulation though out of production. Next-strike of the Silver-Ujaama is scheduled however, His-Imperial-Majesty's: Master Of The Mint does not authorize the release of the strike-date) .
Non-Offensive: Defense = Imperial-Defense-Force
Coast/Littoral-Waters-Guard = Imperial-Customs-Force
Law-Enforcement = Imperial-Customs-Force: Sea-Law-Enforcement
Anti-Fire: Marshal-Service
Primary-Exports = Herbal-Medicines, Biodiesel,
Clothing, Glycerin, Non-gmo: Hydroponically-
Grown-Food, Fuel-Cells, Axial-Flux-Motors, Digital-Technology
System-For-Learning = Madrasatun-Al- Tali'Un (Levels: 1-9)
Mashriqun-Dar- Al-Hikmat (Levels:10-14)
System-For-Health = Universal-Health-Care through the
Bimaristan (Health-Center)-System
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sovereign-Copyright-Number: SC04152022CE002