Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government: Briefing: 11: Kharo-Sim-Mah: 301,625
Getting it in with the Heavies after sharing a meal together in the Agade-Medina (Amexem-Moor-Empire: Capital-City/Imperial-City)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government: Briefing: Truthday, 11: Kharo-Sim-Mah: 301,625: A.M.C. of the presenting by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Grand-Ambassador, His-Grand-Excellency: Grand-Noble: Kedar-Al-Khabeer: Bey
Department For The Law And Justice:
1) No-new: cases-criminal or civil-term: have-been: brought-before-an: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Court, at-any-level, Empire-wide, in the last-6: Earthdays.
2) No-new: Imperial-District-Prosecutors, or, District-Prosecutors: were-appointed, assigned, dispatched, et. al, Empire-wide, in the last-6: Earthdays.
A) Imperial-Court-Service: Reports: no-new: case-filings: processed-or-assigned in the last 6: Earth-days.
B) Imperial-Investigation-Service: Reports: general-presentations and updates unto the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Sovereign-Crown. Al-Sabara: District-Investigations = continuing despite the decrease in the violence (Uncivil-war = concluding-soon: according-to: the-evidence). No: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals in the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Al-Mandiya-Zaria: Wa-Shabazz: Sultanate nor the Al-Sabara: District: in-distress.
C) Imperial-Special-Services-Agency: Reports: no-interjurisdictional or internal-custody-transfers, special-investigations, or, findings-of-fact: has-occurred: Empire-wide in the last 6: Earth-days.
Department For The Imperial-Affairs: His-Grand-Ambassador confirms the Imperial-Sovereign-Crown’s: Daily-Brief with the including of the Overnights (1st-Briefing of the day) and findings-of-fact on the various-operations in the service of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls and our-posterity for the conducting-of: their: business.
A) Department For The Ambassadors: His: Ambassador-In-Charge: His-Excellency: Grand-Noble: Wali-Salam: El, reports:
1) No-new-Ambassadors have been appointed, commissioned, or assigned in the last-6: Earth-days. Acting: Sector-1, did-convene: His-Imperial-Majesty’s: North-Amexem: Sector-Government within the last: 2: earthdays (No-details-provided at the time of the report-herein). His: Acting-Regional-Ambassador for the North-Amexem: South-Central-Region, did-report with the R.A.R.. = Recent: Inclement-weather, interested-party-interaction. All in the Sanhaja, Mu-Akhan: District = safe and unmolested.
B) Department For The Protocols: Reports the preparations for the New-Years-Day/Spring-Equinox-Event, Empire-Wide = almost-complete.
C) Department For The Foreign-Affairs: Reports no-interjurisdictional-discourse: has-occurred in the last 6: Earth-days.
Department For The Treasury And Budget:
A) Amexem-Moor-Empire: Master For The Budget: Distinguished-Noble: Pro-Corpore-Regni: Jamila-Kharyy: Bey, did, authorize the release of the funds for the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Agriculture: Local-Operations in the Yendi, Ghanasonghai-District = ploughing of the 2.5: acres and planting of the non-gmo: okra-seeds in the next: growth-season. Amexem-Moor-Empire: Master For The Budget: Distinguished-Noble: Pro-Corpore-Regni: Jamila-Kharyy: Bey, did, authorize the release of the funds for the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Agriculture: Local-Operations in the Meru-Buikwe, Mosuli-Bugando: District for the growing-some of the 38,000: non-gmo:-seeds in the next: growth-season.
B) Imperial-Statistics-Weights And Measures-Agency: No-public-report
Department For The Interior:
Emergency-status: as-imposed by the Constitutional-Monarch, continues: Empire-wide. His-Excellency: Grand-Noble: Gary-Al-Ghani: El, commanding the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Interior, did-conference with the Imperial-Sovereign-Crown and Staff through the several-calls and meetings in the last-6: Earth-days. His-Excellency, did, brief the Imperial-Sovereign-Crown = main-topics = inclement-weather-pattern: impact on the Tanzibar and New-Toledo, electrical-power-disruption in the Tanzibar, New-Toledo, and Lamtuna. .
A) Department For The Admissions: Operations-Director: Distinguished-Noble: Pro-Corpore: Regni: Sheena-Ali: Bey, did-meet with the Grand-Hene,: last: Loveday. She-did verify the in-compliance and in-good-standing: report. She-did brief the Emperor on the last: Loveday during the business-meeting while the Noble: Arielle-Maryam: Ali: was-vocabulary-word-testing the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals.
B) Imperial-Power And Industry-Agency: Reports the monitoring of the demand for the petroleum-fuels and natural-gas with the forecast-modeling for the oil-production and refining with the including of the impact of the fuel-costs. Interruption of the ASCENSION-FUEL-CELLS, remains-indefinite. Specifically, a very-large-increase in the oil-price.
Imperial-Business-Registrar reports no-new: business-formations: Empire-wide in the last-6: Earthdays.
Imperial-Business-Registrar reports the IWO-HERBS, BLUE-NILE, HERUKHEPOTO-TRADING, and MOORMART as the top: 4: businesses within the Dominions Of The Realm. ALI-TRADING, ABENA-ALI-TRADING, MUNIRAH’S-TRADING = doing-well. KEIRETSU-SERVICES, AMEXEMWEAR, UNIVERSAL-MOOR-SERVICES, and GAMAL-LUMINOUS-TRADING = struggling.
Imperial-Business-Registrar reports the product-launches for the AKHENATEN’S-TRADING = On-time (Happening-now) with the delays for the product-launches for the ASCENSION-FUEL-CELLS, IMPERIAL-SPICES, JRU’S-UNIVERSAL-TRADING.
Imperial-Business-Registrar reports the solvent with the operations in the abeyance-status for the SENE-TRADING, MARCHAND-AMBULANT-TRADING, DOMINION-FOOTBALL,
Imperial-Business-Registrar reports the receiving of the annual-review from the MOORMART: Management. Interior-Minister and Customs-Minister = reviewing the annual-report.
C) Department For The Archives: Reports 55: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government: documents have been received in the last 6: Earth-days.
D) Department For The Copyright And Patent: Reports no requests for sovereign-copyright/trademark or patents has been received, authorized or provided in the last 6: Earth-days.
Emergency-Services-Agency: Reports: inclement-weather and lack of the electrical-power and safe-water in the Tanzibar = did-not impact the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals in the Tanzibar. No-need for the dispensing of the any-supplies from the Tac-Bins nor tapping of the emergency-water-reserves.
Imperial-Library-Service: No-report.
Imperial-Weather-Observation-Agency: Reports Deep-freeze in the North-Amexem = did-ease, snow-still-failing in the Denderah- last-night.
Department For The Defense And Security:
Is exempt from reporting including all of the Defense And Security: sub-departments.
Department For the Customs: Reports no new trade-agreement-proposals have been received or proposed, no: new-special-investigations in the last 6: Earth-days.
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Minister For The Customs, His-Excellency: Grand-Noble: Gamal-Tarik-Zuberi: El reviewing the MOORMART: annual-review. His-Excellency, did-report unto the Grand-Hene after the Minister For The Journey/Travel And Transport-did.
Imperial-Customs-Force: No-substance: has-been: collected, tabulated, or-transferred into the Imperial-Treasury; no-other-substance, from-any-source with the including however not the limiting unto-any: tariffs, taxes, excise-taxes, levies, duties, or tonnage-duties. No: In-Transitu-Compliance-Violations and no: In-Trajectu: Compliance-Violations, have-occurred and no-pattern-or-practice-of: a- crime: has-been-detected, Empire-wide in the last 6: Earthdays.
Department For The Communications: Reports there have been no comm-net: disruptions, Empire-wide, in the last-6: Earthdays. No: broadcasts or transmissions in the audio or video-formats, or webcasting or streaming in the last: 6: Earth-days.
A) Imperial-Broadcasting-Agency: Reports: 0: video interviews of the Grand-Hene in the last: 6: Earthdays (His-Imperial-Majesty. declined the request for the interview).
B) Imperial-News-Service: Reports: No-staff-available (They-were-put-out) so the reports-prepared: and-posted = by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Minister For The Communications, His-Excellency: Grand-Noble: Dan-El.
C) General-Information-Agency: Reports: Training in the Agade-Medina, continues with the Noble: Arielle-Maryam: Ali as the Training-Instructor. Training in the Sanhaja = available. Training in the Ta-Mara = in the abeyance.
Department For The General-Operations: Reports:
Department For The Logistics: Reports the prcing for the next-round of the equipment fot the Agade-Medina, Al-Fatihah, Al-Hannibal, Zenaga-District, and Azania-Matabele = sent unto the Grand-Hene and Grand-Wazir for the review.
Imperial-Learning-Agency: Reports (See-Ulema)
Imperial-Water-Agency: Reports: No-public-report (They are waiting for the pump and generator numbers from the Azania-Matabele).
Department For The Health And Phytotherapy: Reports: No-medical-emergencies or outbreaks, Empire-wide, in the last-6: Earthdays. Health-Minister reporting the production of the IWO-HERBS and BLUE-NILE: product-lines = proceeding-well and keep-up with the demand.
Department For The Journey Travel And Transport: Reports: Several-sessions as the Transport-Minister, has-reported unto the Grand-Hene = several-times-per-day: 4 of the last: 6: Earthdays. No-further-details-provided.
Department For The Infrastructure: Reports: no-report.
Department For The Land-Management: No-public-report.
A) Department For The Agriculture: Azania-Matabele: District: Watermelon-harvest = imminent.
No-food-growth in the Ghanasonghai-District (Funding: just-provided).
Preparing for the growth-cycle in the North-Amexem.
Preparation for the growth-cycle in the Omotayo-District = complete and ready-to-commence.
B) Imperial-Seismic-Anomaly-Observation-Agency: Reports: Seismic, earthquake, and volcanic-activity = average in the last: 6-Earthdays = as-reflected in the reports from the Events-Analyst, Noble: Amelia-Powell: Ali.
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Force: Supreme-Commander receiving the latest-briefing.
Amexem-Moor-Empire: ABADA!!! (Hausa)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: LAI ATI LAILAII!!! (Yoruba)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: DAADAA!!! (Akan)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: HO SA FELENG!!! (Southern-Sotho)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: FOREVER!!!
Amexem-Moor-Empire: PARA SIEMPRE!!! (Spanish)
Empire Maure Amexem: POUR TOUJOURS!!! (French)
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sovereign-Copyright-Number: SC022320CE009