Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Disease-Eradication And Emergency-Response-Agency: Anti-Viral: Event-Procedures
At the doorway into the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Satellite-Operations-Center (Where the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Court in the Port-Hannah-City, is-located) is the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Minister For The Law And Justice, Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Council-Supervisor, and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Grand-Wazir/Viceroy, His-Crown-Excellency: Crown-Noble: Hannibal-Lex: Dred:-Micha: El and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Minister For The Health And Phytotherapy, His-Excellency: Grand-Noble: Bishara-Hafiz-El: Bey flanking the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch, His-Imperial-Majesty: Molaodi, Maad, Bur-Fari, Togbia/Komo-Nkonzi, Grand-Hene for the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Mu-Akhan-Sultanate, Grand-Sultan for the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Al-Mandiya-Zaria: Wa-Shabazz: Sultanate, and Emperor: An-Anu-E;: Bey
In the service-of: His/Her-Imperial-Majesty (Sitting/Reigning: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch) on the behalf of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls, Sitting/Commanding: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Minister For The Health And Phytotherapy molds, shapes, and implements the processes, protocols, and procedures for the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Disease-Eradication And Emergency-Response-Agency (I.D.E.E.R.A.) for the safety and well-being of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls
I.D.E.E.R.A.: monitor, track, and response = by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Disease-Eradication And Emergency-Response-Agency: Epidemic-Monitor-Agent existing and functioning as the Scene-Commander (Amexem-Moor-Empire: Emergency-Services-Agency and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Force: Scene-Commanders, take-their-orders-from: His/Her-Epidemic-Monitor-Agent, on-scene on the behalf of His/Her-Imperial-Majesty's: Nationals and Imperial-Interests by the order-of: His/Her-Health-Minister on the authority-of: His/Her-Imperial-Majesty).
The-Basics (Text-herein = from the I.D.E.E.R.A.: Standard-Operations-Procedures: Manual)
The threat as determined
1. What causes it?
2. What cures it?
3. What is the incubation-period?
4. What is the reproductive-rate?
5. For every party that is sickened, how many do they infect?
6. How do they communicate/spread the disease (airborne? touch? body-fluid-exchange)?
Threat-Categories (With And Without Cases Resulting In Death)
Threat-Level: 1 = Isolated-cases (1-5: cases in a geographical-area)
Threat-Level: 2 = Cluster (6-10: cases in a geographical-area)
Threat-Level: 3 = Multiple-Clusters: In-Close-Proximity (3: Clusters in the same-geographical-area)
Threat-Level: 4 = Outbreak (Cluster-formation in a secondary-geographical-area within the close-proximity of an existing: Cluster or Multiple-Cluster: Hot-Zone)
Threat-Level: 5 = Epidemic (Outbreak in additional-location (s), inside or outside of the close-proximity of an existing: Outbreak: Hot-Zone)
Threat-Level: 6 = Pandemic (Global/International/Interjurisdictional-Epidemic)
Assessment-Preliminary-Considerations By The Epidemic-Monitor-Agent, On-Scene
Low-death-tolls can be deceiving because of the following-factors:
Death tolls can be low if the event occurs on the strongend instead of during the strong because of the folks staying home attempting to ride out a condition to see if there is an improvement in the condition. This could lead to fewer cases being counted and reported in the early stages.
Primary-Public-Communication = priority: 1 = keeping the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Interests: informed. Therefore it is essential to be in a position to truthfully-specify for the record the necessary-emergency-protocols = in-effect = isolating the sick and quarantining of the those known to be exposed. If an event warrants such a public-presentation, by default, it would be required for the Epidemic-Monitor-Agent, to, temporarily, order the social-distancing for the purpose of diminishing the threat of contracting and spreading the disease. Temporarily means NOT MORE THAN 72: Standard-Earth-Hours. To extend that order unto a full-strong/7: Earthdays requires the order from the Sitting/Commanding: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Minister For The Health And Phytotherapy. To extend beyond the 7: Earthdays requires an: Official-Decree from the Sitting/Reigning: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch.
In order to be in a position to properly-engage and truthfully-specify the necessary-emergency-protocols for the protection-of: His/Her-Imperial-Majesty's: Nationals and Imperial-Interests, His/Her-Epidemic-Monitor-Agent, shall and must do the following:
A. Look for possible-clusters as they are a prelude unto an outbreak.
B. Interview anyone that had physical-contact or close-proximity unto any subject of an investigation.
C. Determine whether the threat = a known-virus or a novelty-virus/unknown-virus: with-no-treatment-protocol.
Upon the complete-implementation of the preliminary-steps taken by the Epidemic-Monitor-Agent, on-scene in the compliance with the assessment-preliminary-considerations of the stating-herein in the response unto an event, His/Her-Imperial-Majesty's: Epidemic-Monitor-Agent, if-conditions/findings-of-fact = clear and present-danger/make it clearly-necessary, on the standing-orders from the Sitting/Commanding: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Minister For The Health And Phytotherapy, shall order the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Emergency-Services-Agency, to-implement the Medical-Disaster-Relief-Protocols in the hot-zone(s) to provide the basic: civil-assistance while the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Disease-Eradication And Emergency-Response-Agency: Staff, sets up and operates the Hot-Zone: Mass-Evaluation And Treatment: locations.
IwoHerbs: Anti-Malaria-Formula (In-Granuals-Form). This unit produces 2: gallons (Enough-to-treat: 2: adults) and is produced within the rigors of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Disease-Eradication And Emergency-Response-Agency: Requirements.
This unit = one of several being prepped for the filling of an order that is being shipped unto the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sector: 4 = Alkebu-lan and Ab.Zu. This order is for those seeking our non-synthetic-means of healing.
Product-production = within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Jurisdiction And Venue and we trade the product-for-profit globally (Orders plus the shipping = payable-in-advance in the silver or gold-coin, only. Institutional-seized-orders have the 100: unit-minimum of the requiring by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Customs).
Contact-data on the label from the contractor = obsolete. Contact = available on this website.
Anti-Malaria-Formula in the Morudakar, Zenaga-District in the Morabutin-Region of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sector-4 = Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu in the hand of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sector-Governor (Sekhem-Bawantua) commanding: His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Sector-Government for the Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu = His-Excellency: Grand-Noble: Taheruka-Shabazz-El: Bey.
Contact-data on the label from the contractor = obsolete. Contact = available on this website.
Health-matters: that-are-bacterial, chemical, fungal, or-viral: be-they-acute-or-chronic, we-resolve through the non-synthetic-means.
Detox-is-important. So-is-replenishment of the internal-organs. BLUE-NILE is the replenishing-method within the 4: countries comprising the Dominions Of The Realm of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy.
Product-production = within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Jurisdiction And Venue and we trade the product-for-profit globally (Orders plus the shipping = payable-in-advance in the silver or gold-coin, only. Institutional-seized-orders have the 100: unit-minimum of the requiring by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Customs).
Contact = available on this website.
Health-matters: that-are-bacterial, chemical, fungal, or-viral: be-they-acute-or-chronic, we-resolve through the non-synthetic-means.
Detox-is-important. IWO-HERBS: PARASITE-CLEANSE, DETOX, and COLON-CLEANSE: Formulas are the method within the 4: countries comprising the Dominions Of The Realm of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy.
Product-production = within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Jurisdiction And Venue and we trade the product-for-profit globally (Orders plus the shipping = payable-in-advance in the silver or gold-coin, only. Institutional-seized-orders have the 100: unit-minimum of the requiring by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Customs).
Contact = available on this website.
In the photo-below = Bey Of The Greater-Amexem with the including of the Atlantis and Atlantis-Islands, Bey Of The Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu, Bey Of The Harappa-Indus with the including of the Dwaraka And Cusharappasi, and Bey Of The Kumari-Kandam as the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sovereign-Head, Possessor Of The Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Sovereign-Crown and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Scepter, as the Author, Organic-Holder-in-due-course, as the Organic-Holder-in-good-faith, primary-enforcer, and protector of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution, as the Organic-Controller Of The Regal-Powers Of The Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy: Justitia -Firmatur-Solium, as the Physical-Manifestation Of The Sovereign-Power Of The Amexem-Moor-Empire as the Sitting/Reigning: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch, His-Imperial-Majesty: Maad (Serer), Bur-Fari (Wolof), Togbia/Komo-Nkonzi (Sango), Grand-Hene For The Mu-Akhan-Sultanate, Grand-Sultan For The Nesutat: Al-Mandiya-Zaria: Wa-Shabazz: Sultanate, Molaodi (Sepedi/Northern-Sotho), And Emperor: An-Anu-El: Bey in the service of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls and our-posterity = conducting-our: Official-Business as the Physical-Architect of the Organic-Diplomacy And Governance: work in the service of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls: and-our-posterity . We give thanks.
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sovereign-Copyright-Number: SC03092022CE027