Aboriginal/Melanated-Man…Take-Responsibility And Be-Accountable: Or-Lose-Another-Generation Unto The Colonizing-Hostiles And Their Aboriginal/Melanated-Puppets: That-Sell-You-Out

"Melanated heterosexual man...No one is coming to save you. No one is coming to rescue you. Wake up and get to work to save yourself and your generations/posterity. Wake up and get to work right now!

Caucasian billionaires using knowledge based on your know how and resources from the ground you walk upon, are traveling into space.


You are putting assault rifles in the hands of babies and forcing them to take lives.

On this side of the ocean you also empower those that kill the minds and bodies of your babies while begging to be "equal" with the profiteer off of your destruction.

You are on opposite sides of the ocean looking down your noses at each other when your path to collectively shared and fairly implemented liberty, freedom, and prosperity is in and through each other.

You are sick and refuse to change your reality.

You are a shortsighted fool and your babies suffer for it.

You are selfish as you want to be in charge even though you are utterly incompetent.

You are a coward because you refuse to deal with your own worst enemy...the man in the mirror that won't change his ways.

You are a punk because you refuse to think beyond 20 minutes and now your woman supports your genocide pushing nonheterosexual behavior as normal.

Civility is dying because you refuse to pull your heads out of your backsides long enough to immediately pool your resources, get a plan, work a plan, and change our global reality for the better.

I have a plan that is the first step along the way to our recovery.

My plan does not care if you pray to a rock or a tree.

My plan does not care about a prophet or literature or sacred texts or whatever language or dialect you speak.

My plan is against you choosing violence to impose your religious beliefs and baggage on those that won't yield to your faith.

My plan is against violence against women because they desire to be learned or pilot a land vessel. There is no honor or virtuousness in throwing acid on the face of a little girl or shooting her in the head for her daring to learn to read.

My plan is against those carrying out coups for the Londinium, Paris, and supposed central intelligence.

My plan is against those neocolonizers in Beyjing using debt traps to grab our lands and resources.

My plan is designed to undo the damage caused by the hydra religibots, Greco Roman ,byzantine, Anglo-Prussian-Flemish, decadent sloth Moor ancestors that slacked off on doing their duty for the greater good, and all those that help the Portuguese grab our own and send them unto the Bahia.

My plan is for the shutting down of the caste system and permanent neoslavery of the heterosexual- melanated everywhere it exists.

My plan does not care about whatever hang ups are stopping you from putting aside whatever you seek to bicker about.

Screw that and screw you with a meat cleaver.

My plan as specified in the budget I present only cares about results for the global common market exclusively set up and already operational underway without the caucasian and their melanated puppets in our business so we actually get to win.

Simple question.

You in or out? Your immediate action or the lack thereof makes your answer plain for all to see and know.

I am the Amexem-Moor- Empire: Constitutional-Monarch, Emperor: An-Anu-El: Bey... and on the behalf of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls, I, have-spoken"

54: Reasons responsibility and accountability matter:

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Reason: 5 = http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=249968615049439

Reason: 6 = https://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/amexem-moor-empire-fiscal-budget-law-301618-law-of-the-moor-realm/484214118291553

Reason: 7 = https://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/a-synopsis-of-the-organic-nation-spreading-the-moor-empire-across-the-planet-aga/193000324079602

Reason: 8 = https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1555473209390.2072775.1312008276&type=3





Reason: 9 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1587180922063&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 10 =  Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Agriculture: Non: GMO: Heirloom-seeds (Edible and medicinal) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1784572296724&set=a.1726099594943.2097397.1312008276&type=3&theater





Reason: 11 = https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2500287149148.2143400.1312008276&type=3


Reason: 12 = https://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/ante-up-or-hit-the-bricks-aka-amexem-moor-empire-nationals-basic-training-regime/499626513416980

Reason: 13 =  https://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/bur-farigrand-sultanemperor-an-anu-el-bey-calls-out-all-of-those-claiming-to-be-/477597402286558

Reason: 14 = https://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/physical-manifestation-of-the-sovereign-power-of-the-amexem-moor-empire/476996695679962

Reason: 15 = http://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/how-we-think-act-and-speak-as-oneas-amexem-moor-empire-nationals/402000006512965

Reason: 16 = http://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/amexem-moor-empire-department-for-the-agriculture-command-structure/421226521256980

Reason: 17 = http://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/amexem-moor-empire-department-for-the-logistics-command-structurecompetent-diplo/370744786305154

Reason: 18 = http://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/amexem-moor-empire-imperial-water-agency-command-structurecompetent-diplomacy-an/370484946331138

Reason: 19 = http://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/amexem-moor-empire-emergency-services-agency-command-structure/449792771733688

Reason: 20 = http://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/amexem-moor-empire-department-for-the-treasury-and-budget-command-structure/419371694775796


Reason: 21 = http://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/amexem-moor-empire-imperial-customs-forcesemper-paratus-semper-fidelis-we-dont-p/413743932005239

Reason: 22 = https://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/amexem-moor-empire-non-surgical-health-care-plan-of-by-and-for-the-aboriginalsmo/1218959691483655

Reason: 23 = https://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/amexem-moor-empire-imperial-power-and-industry-agency-biodiesel-operation-locati/421565911223041








Reason: 24 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1927748556041&set=vb.1312008276&type=3





Reason: 25 = http://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/back-into-the-crates-for-another-gem-from-the-sittingreigning-emperor-from-back-/257688607610773

Reason: 26 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1596508355243&set=a.1493906990273.2066783.1312008276&type=3&theater




Reason: 27 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1352841503724&set=a.1326731650994.2048567.1312008276&type=3&theater


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Reason: 29 =  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1DMPQ6yr70















Reason: 30 = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBk_4LUl2Tk

Reason: 31 = https://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/dug-deep-into-the-crates-for-the-us-bankruptcy-and-the-moors-series/201540753225559

Reason: 32 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200569684627219&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 33 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200569871751897&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

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Reason: 35 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200570489807348&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 36 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200571000060104&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 37 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200657443221129&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 38 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200657707707741&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 39 =  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200658235120926&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 40 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200724587979706&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 41 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200756037165916&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 42 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200756126688154&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 43 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200831170964214&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 44 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200831313807785&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 45 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=4561112868503&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 46 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=4568718698644&set=vb.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 47 =  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3787491288447&set=a.3218099534009.2157857.1312008276&type=3&theater

Reason: 48 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1176074484659&set=a.1172272789619.2026472.1312008276&type=3&theater



Reason: 49 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1174452924121&set=a.1172272789619.2026472.1312008276&type=3&theater


Reason: 50 = https://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/amexem-moor-empire-food-preparation-and-storage-safety-code-and-standards/430380417008257

Reason: 51 = http://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/amexem-moor-empire-operation-assist-our-own-first-revolution/320511031328530

Reason: 52 = http://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/amexem-moor-empire-operation-assist-our-own-second-revolution/320496567996643

Reason: 53 = http://www.facebook.com/notes/tyrese-washington/amexem-moor-empire-operation-assist-our-own-third-revolution/320487267997573

Reason: 54 = https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200347233226073&set=a.4361795165685.2178441.1312008276&type=3&theater

This what taking responsibility and being accountable looks like:

Initially setting up the

40: Command-Areas with the including of the 2: Sultanates and 1: Sultanate in the development in the Cush- Harappa.





Al-Sabara: District

Mosuli-Bugando: District

Azania-Matabele: District



Getting all of us existing and functioning on the planet on our own terms .. that is our collective work. This is what we are training for continuously because we live who we say we are.

A budget to save lives and improve the quality of lives for the heterosexual-melanated = all across the planet.

1.44: billion: in-gold.

1.6 billion of us melanated in the Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu plus the 200 million of us melanated in the Greater-Amexem = North, Central, and South-Amexem plus the Atlantis-Islands = 1.8 billion of us.

1.44 billion of us putting up "1.00: usd" each fully funds this budget.

144 million of us putting up "10.00:usd" each fully funds this budget.

14,400,000 of us putting up "100.00:usd" each fully funds this budget.


This budget stands up 40: command-areas across the planet in the manner = independent of the colonizing-hostiles through the operations of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Global-Common-Market within the countries = Greater-Amexem, Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu, Cush-Harappa, and Greater-Asia = Dominions Of The Realm of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy.

The nonmelanated colonizers and their melanated-puppets all across the planet had a great run at the expense of the melanated for generations.

Mindset by mindset. Household by household. Family-hood by family-hood.. Continent by continent... we ascend as 1.

We do this because we must. No one is coming to save us, we must do the honorable work of saving ourselves, our households: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmodern-moor-monarchy.squarespace.com%2Fimperial%2Fq8tn10t28mrtouwbbu8nvuozvo7arl%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3q_dPk9PIcwYvbLkZbneWMOH5f15n76k08cgh7Y0JYs7QqPXyupawF3zc&h=AT1LbDFxzeYvFBMb6f77ZMg75hF--eDIzgw9VUbiTdr9JNi8EAO4ezgZXBxAHGXebifBTy_W-35bO_4L0v6e2sM22Sei0vmehY5-czGtckGnDA1r2pOWxi9AFtuABiXRUUQ

HIM Serious.jpg

Amexem-Moor-Empire: ABADA!!! (Hausa)

Amexem-Moor-Empire: LAI ATI LAILAII!!! (Yoruba)

Amexem-Moor-Empire: DAADAA!!! (Akan)

አሜክስም-ሞር-ኢምፓየር-ለዘላለም (Amharic)

Amexem-Moor-Empire: HO SA FELENG!!! (Southern-Sotho)

Amexem-Moor-Empire: FOREVER!!!

Amexem-Moor-Empire: PARA SIEMPRE!!! (Spanish)

Amexem-Moor-Empire: إلى الأبد (Mooarbiyah/"Arabic"/"Arabiyah")

Empire Maure Amexem: POUR TOUJOURS!!! (French)

एमेक्सम-मूर-एम्पायर: फॉरएवर (Hindi)

ਅਮੈਕਸਮ-ਮੂਰ-ਸਾਮਰਾਜ: ਸਦਾ ਲਈ (Punjabi)

Meमेक्सम-मूर-साम्राज्य: कायमचे (Marathi)

அமெக்ஸெம்-மூர்-பேரரசு: எப்போதும் (Tamil)

ايميمڪس- مور-سلطنت: وڌيڪ (Sindhi)

د امیکس - مور - امپراطور: تل(Pashto)











In the photo = Bey Of The Greater-Amexem with the including of the Atlantis and Atlantis-Islands, Bey Of The Alkebu-lan And Ab.Zu, Bey Of The Harappa-Indus with the including of the Dwaraka And Cusharappasi, and Bey Of The Kumari-Kandam as the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sovereign-Head, Possessor Of The Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Sovereign-Crown and Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Scepter, as the Author, Organic-Holder-in-due-course, as the Organic-Holder-in-good-faith, primary-enforcer, and protector of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution, as the Organic-Controller Of The Regal-Powers Of The Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchy: Justitia -Firmatur-Solium, as the Physical-Manifestation Of The Sovereign-Power Of The Amexem-Moor-Empire as the Sitting/Reigning: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch, His-Imperial-Majesty: Maad (Serer), Bur-Fari (Wolof), Togbia/Komo-Nkonzi (Sango), Grand-Hene For The Mu-Akhan-Sultanate, Grand-Sultan For The Nesutat: Al-Mandiya-Zaria: Wa-Shabazz: Sultanate, Molaodi (Sepedi/Northern-Sotho), And Emperor: An-Anu-El: Bey in the service of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls and our-posterity = conducting-our: Official-Business. We give thanks.


Actions And Inaction: Have-Consequences. Melanated-Man, Choose-Wisely: At-All-Times!!!


His-Imperial-Majesty And Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Council-Supervisor prepare For The Next: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Majlis-Al-Shura: Main-Session (301,626:04)