Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Force: Alawi-Unit (Meteorology And Atmospherics) did-recently, Observe The 2: Large: Solar-Flares
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Camp: MARSHALL-BEY: Commanding-Officer: Lieutenant: Akhenaten-Amun: El, at-chow with the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Force: Supreme-Commander: An-Anu-El: Bey in the Agade-Medina.
Freedomday: 7: Kharo-Sim-Mah: 301,627
- - - Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Camp: MARSHALL-BEY: Alawi-Unit
In the service of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls, His-Imperial-Majesty’s: Imperial-Customs-Force: Meteorology And Atmospherics-Unit, reports the following-observations:
Solar-Wind-Speed: 941,750.179: Mph/421.0: Km/sec
Sunspot-Total: 126 C.M.E.s/Solar-Flares = 2: Large: 4: Small: 0. Threat-level unto the planetary-telecommunications-satellites = minimum-to-zero = because the events were on a side of the sun not facing the earth.
Coronal-Holes: 1 facing the earth with the fairly-large: diameter = straddling the sun’s-equator with the majority of the coronal-hole = below the sun’s-equator. Solar-winds from the coronal-hole reaches the earth in the 48: Standard-Earth-Hours and lasts: 31: Standard-Earth-Hours: thereafter. Threat unto the increasing of the planetary-static-electricity-levels upon the impact of the incoming-solar-winds = moderate-to-high (Increasing the planetary: static-electricity-levels increasing the frequency and magnitude of the earthquake, seismic, and volcanic-activity across the planet. 18: Volcanoes across the plabet = currently-erupting.
Volcanic-ash in the atmosphere impact s the air, lands, and water = Impacts the flora and fauna (Global-ecosystem and global-food-supply), air-corridors for flights/airfreight = interrupts the global-supply-chains.
Current-Asteroid-Hazards: 2276. 1: asteroid passes-close unto the earth on the coming: Justiceday, 1 on the following-day = Equalityday, and 2: more on the coming: Loveday.
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Customs-Camp: MARSHALL-BEY: Commanding-Officer: Lieutenant: Akhenaten-Amun: El and Detective: Izhaq-Bey = before or after-chow while a patrol is in the field in the Agade-Medina
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sovereign-Copyright-Number: SC04272022CE008